Mass Medias Stranglehold on News within Australia Assists Tyranny

in Hive Australia3 years ago


Mass media in Australia, and all the talking head muppets sucking as its corrupt teats, is gleefully killing even the shadow of liberty in Australia.

I pointed out their complicity in the ongoing brainwashing of the public in previous posts. The textbook perfect technique of instilling fear and maintaining public stress levels via repeat, rinse, repeat daily.

And they play the authorities narrative as ordered by corporate masters. Cherry picking only the stats that can whip up fear or prop up some of the fairy tales handed out like candy by the Director of Lies Kerry Chant.
The real numbers are there, but the public under the zombie spell no longer has the curiousity to look, or the rational skills to understand what they are seeing.
I'll say it again, the actions taken are completely out of proportion to the effects of this 2021 outbreak.
With all the lies told and proved, and taking into account that the media and Health Dept have failed to announce the CDCs withdrawl of the PCR test so we cannot even trust they are reporting cases correctly. I doubt they are.


Seriously look at these figures.
Virtually no deaths, 98% recovery, hospitals all open.
Is it logical to imprison the public? NO


But the media doesnt show this to the masses,the semi-awake, those who know in their gut something dark is pulling strings inside our government, they would start to question if given the opportunity.


Without mass media, can we wake up enough Aussies to the danger they have let into our home? Can we shout it loud enough? Or do we just need to show it to some key networked people to trigger a domino effect?


That is a real window of opportunity, and one I hope to exploit with the help of everyone who reads this post.

If you support freedom, love liberty and have sympathy for Australians tortured and brainwashed into docility by the people that should be protecting them, here's a way to help.

We need to wake up the public. Use your networks and sent out this post to all Australians in your ctc lists.
With luck we can reach that unknown person with the right address book to start a chain reaction of pushback before its too late. No-one in our media will do this.
I'm not interested in their reasons, fear greed power.
Irrelevant when the result of their silence it transforming our country into a medical Dictatorship.

2fakenews.jpg this link is to other tyrannyVSliberty post

While the corporate media is stabbing lady liberty in the back, I hope they will ignore any snowball of public outrage we manage to ignite. Ignore until they're caught in the flames along with the Premier and her cronies.
With special mention going to Propaganda Director Chant whose inappropriate sway over the Premier and continuing misleading and outright bad advice places her firmly in place as a leading player subverting our government.


Covid Quiz Link -
use this if you think you know what helps eg lockdowns



The same is true for every other country. Three or four corporations own almost all media outlets?

Maybe its due to our relatively small population scattered over a huge landmass but independant media is almost zero.
So when the media is willing to dance to the masers tune it makes social brainwashing far to easy.

I know of many aggregate sites. I concur a bit.

Got to organize fast like you say, Window of opportunity closing fast. Unvaccinated are being make the enemy of the vaccinated. Divide and destroy Both till they have their population reduction.

Many of our leaders, especially among the so-called "wester" nations, are nothing more than vaccine salespersons now. It's very strange.