Ways To Fix Australia's Corrupt Govt System - Victoria

in Hive Australia3 years ago (edited)


On the 3rd nov, Dan Andrews was served papers from a magistrates court in rural Victoria and he is being charged with treason & criminal fraud against the people of Australia. That news by itself put a smile on my face.

But wait - theres more. To explain how this can repair our broken system, some backstory is needed.

1st Nov 1999 all of Australia was corporatised, in other words, police force, courts, Parliament, councils, everything! has an ABN, we are a corporation and registered in the US and no longer have a government, it is all false. 8th Nov 1999 all of Australia voted in referendum to be either a republic(what they thought we would choose) or stay under the Queen (which is what Aust did vote) but too late, oops, they sold us already. Everything a lie since.

Others have covered this scandal, and been ignored/silenced as you'd expect. Most notably Scott Bartle - his FUQ (frequently unanswered questions) documentary can be seen below, worth watching.


watch the full doco here https://www.bitchute.com/video/cNgd3gFK27Ci/

All those in government who swear in to the Queen know this and are guilty of treason. That's the charges being laid against Andrews. Obviously everyone in Parliament is guilty but he was the chosen one to go after first for obvious reasons.

Now he must attend this criminal court on the 17th of December and if he does not attend (which is what they are expecting) the criminal court magistrate must place a bail upon Dan Andrews. He then has a criminal record. No person in government can have a criminal record and he must stand down. So Dan Andrews is fucked! Teflon he may be, but this has gotta be a nail in his coffin.


Further ramifications..., the emergency power bill he wanted to pass is now also put on hold and can no longer proceed through Parliament because of court proceedings.

Wait, theres more - letters are going out to the other state Premiers and other MP's asking that this information about Dan Andrews and the corporatisation of Australia be read into Parliament. Now here's the thing right, if they refuse, which they most likely will, they can also then be charged with treason.


Here is the extensive document (below)

And 2 other relevant PDF

And clips from the letter sent to all MPs

"Dan Andrews is solely responsible for the return of the virus, after the inexcusable failures of the Hotel Quarantine program which was mishandled & showed the ineptitude of the Andrews Government to manage this simple process, which has been proven by each other State & Territory to control the outbreak.
Dan Andrews is solely responsible for the destruction of the Victorian, & now, following Josh Frydenburg's statements, the unnecessary repercussions across the Australian Economy, because of his lack of leadership & of his Health Minister, who are clearly unfit for this critical time in Victoria's history.
Dan Andrews is only centred upon instructing his incorporated Victoria Police to issue the most extraordinary fines in Australia - starting at $5,000 for not wearing a mask, when the Public Health & Wellbeing Act, 2008 DOES NOT EXIST AT LAW!

This document will be distributed across Australia by Australians demanding that the source of the destruction of Farming Families, Small Businesses & small & large companies laying off thousands of employees, must fall on the shoulders of -
Dan Andrews, who must be removed & or 'Sacked from Public Office' by caretaker Governor Linda Dessau, who must then resign herself, & the Governor - General of the Commonwealth of Australia, General Sir David Hurley MUST call new elections, for Victorians.
Every political recipient of this document including the leader of the opposition & all politicians now become complicit to the above crimes of the State of Victoria (Inc.).




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