My Top 4 Agricultural Goals for The Year [#Hagro Community]

in Hagro2 years ago

Hello Hivers✌✌
So, Today I would talk about my Top 4 Agricultural goals for the year .

Setting goals in life is very important, it helps with planning and planning in agriculture is a vital key to success as it deals with times and seasons.

I have not really put it on papers my plans and goals as it concerns agriculture, but with this question asked in the #hagro community, i'm very delighted to share my top 4 agricultural goals for the years..

As an agricultural enthusiasts, practicing an integrated method of farming,
Here are my Top 4 Agricultural goals for the year.

  1. Fish Farming
    Fish Farming is quite easy if you know the basics, currently I have gone through 1 cycle of fish farming, my goals for the year is to scale up my current capacity.

    Presently my capacity is 250 fishes I intend to scale up to min. 500 within the year and also improve on the fish hatchery aspect.

  2. Rabbit Farming.
    I have been keeping rabbits for a while now, and I really enjoy caring for them. My goal is to prepare an outdoor pen and Increase the number of rabbits I can produce..

  1. Poultry
    I'm really interested in poultry too, but I haven't started yet, my goal is to build a poultry pen within the year and stock some few birds for a start and then scale up to a comfortable number letter.

This is the space I intend to use for this project

  1. Gardening
    Gardening has been my first love, I really enjoy growing plants. I stopped for a while due to some challenges I faced with several factors, my goal is to rekindle the fire in me to start up again and grow crops like cucumber, water Mellon's, peppers etc.

The overall goal is to find a way to integrate all these aspect of farming to create a system of farming that would make farming journey an interesting one..

I am CONFIDENT that with the help of the #hagro community I will be able to accomplish all my set goals and even more .


Original Content Posted By Me @rheda



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Previous Post!!

A Visit to a Local Hatchery to purchase some juveniles fishes

Getting the male sperm out to fertilize the female catfish eggs!!


Injecting the female catfish with the spawning hormone

Preparing our spawning net for our Fingerlings Hatching project!!

Calibrating Our pH meter for our Fingerlings Hatching project !!