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RE: Why am I building these crazy looking devices?

I am pleased you think my results are clear. Certainly it seems that way from where I am standing but I don't think it is as simple as we humans would like it to be. I can see negative effects too on some of the plants in certain positions. It seems as if I have created a complex energy field with the multiple devices on one piece of land in particular. The land with the pyramid. Something isn't working right on this land very likely because there is too much going on now. A large cone, a mid-sized pyramid, an antenna and magnetised cables in the ground. I will write a post about this as soon as I can because it would seem there is such a thing as too much electroculture.

Yes, we are generally slow to change as humans with very ingrained habits and beliefs. Though for some reason there are those who feel change as such a natural thing, it is easy to adopt. In many ways I was looking for electroculture for the last few years. Just didn't know that till I found it! People say "the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago" but with electroculture you can cut that number down to five years (probably)! So yes, with 100 fruit & nut trees now, all planted in the last three years, electroculture was so evidently for me. Plus I just love building devices ;)

Amazing your hubby has seven patents! No slouch indeed. Unfortunately the people with the most training and education, like doctors, dentists, scientists & academics will have the most difficulty accepting new information which challenges old ideas. Have had to let go of many highly intelligent old friends for this reason. But that is not to say we cannot help them. We must simply keep on shining our light bright and eventually they will have to take notice.

Off to water that garden again now! haha

Will continue with your great comments later :)