Indomitus: Basing and Paint Test

in Warhammer4 years ago


Just a short update for today, since I am working on the tedious and time-consuming part of the project.

I used my old dried-out clumpy crackle paste from the craft store thinned with some water to create a dried mud base. I also used fine sifted sand for a gravel texture. I will paint this later.

First, I decided to take a break from basing and test my intended color scheme. I used an off-white paint from Reaper. The label is faded and I can't read the name of the color. Sorry.

I thinned it with water and started blocking out the parts of the armor that I want to look non-metallic on some scarabs, a warrior, and the Royal Warden. Cleanup, highlights, and details will happen later after I add a second coat.

Hive Signature Bar.png

PeakD Signature Bar.png


I know a bit about tedious and time consuming parts of projects 🤣

Do you usually have a few of these on a conveyor belt when painting?

Heh. No. I have clusters of models sorta-kinda arranged by type on a table outside.

By type as in they’re similar to each other or drying and waiting for next later while you’re painting up other ones? 🙃

They are semi-sorted by unit. 20 warriors with Gauss Flayers, 20 warriors with Gauss Reapers, a dozen Scarab Swarms, my army leaders, and so on.