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RE: The Swamp of Agony - Part 1/6 (D&D story)

So, them being in quite a hurry took it's toll after all... 😆 Good thing for the other four that Aurum needed to do a stop in between. 😉
Now I'm wondering what "fun" lies before us in the upcoming parts of that chapter.
And is it just me who the thoughts about what's going on with Gillean are nagging at?! 🤣

Thanks a lot for keeping posting the story of Mary and her friends. ❤
Have a lovely weekend and take care!


Oh, you are definitely not alone in pondering what's going on with Gillean!
Mary is super worried, I was, too, when we played that part.

You'll see :)

I can imagine 😄 And I'll be waiting for the revelation about what's going on.