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RE: Daisy Chains

mmmmm..I spent the day with my girl chil'


she turns 20 tomorrow, and we have spent countless times and times and times together giggling, dreeming and creating together.

this story came at the perfect time as I'm thinking back over the years.rmemebering this baby of mine making her way out into the world 20 years ago to this moment ..

life is a beautiful thing. I have been one of those go go go people for so many things.... but one thing I have enjoyed to the fullest, moment by moment was living life with my children.

by the way ..hehhee I could hear the southern drawl of the momma .. and feel the drowsiness as the warm summer rays bathed them in sunshine

thanks for this gift on this perfect day heheh 🥰🥰🥰🥰


You're welcome. I hope you and your daughter have a lot of fun creating new memories on her twentieth birth-day. Such an important event for you both. 💛