The Green Cap Guy

in Scholar and Scribe2 months ago

I took one final sweep of the room before I switched off the lights that night.

All appliances switched off. Check.

Heater off. Check.

Sockets off. Check.

Alarm on. Check.

Satisfied with my nightly routine check at Brass and Copper Salon, I turned off the final lights which were the porch lights, locked the door securely behind me, testing the doors twice to ensure I’d locked it right and was out in the street.

Ideally, I never stayed this late at the salon and was never the one to lock the doors either. That’s what the apprentices did, but I’d been feeling out of sorts lately and developed this habit of sending them off early, promising to take care of the stuff they had to do. They protested but the quiet was something I needed so I put my foot down.

I glanced briefly at my watch, noting that I wouldn't be able to make it for Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. What was becoming my favourite nightly show. The vain and pretentious lives of these women would have been an irritation to me a while back but I was at the phase in my life were I found joy in mundanities like these.

I was contemplating putting in my earpods to listen to my newly curated Oldies blues mix when I felt it. The slight prickle at the back of my neck. Someone was following me. I didn’t turn back immediately but I felt it in the depth of my soul that I was right. Not wasting a moment, I doubled my pace and hoped that it was my mind playing tricks on me.

Thirty seconds later and I broke into a sprint. I was sure as day now that someone was following me. More obvious now since the person was also running as I was.

“You’re imagining it, Chantelle,” I whispered to myself as I ran. It’s all in your head.

Finally giving into the temptation, I turned slightly and my breath stilled in my throat as I caught sight of a green cap.
I’d seen that cap somewhere. My mind flashed to the guy that had accosted me on my way to work that morning. He’d asked for my number and I’d refused. He’d been relentless and I yelled a few non savoury words at him. He’d blanched and turned away.

Was that creep following me?

Furious now, I slowed my steps. I could already see the roof of my house and made my way to it, daring the idiot to try and keep up with me. I heard the loud blasting of rock and prayed that my idiot siblings would hear me over that sound.

I got to the gate and banged furiously on it.
No response.
I glanced behind me and saw the green cap guy at a distance.

“What do you want from me?!” I yelled. I clutched my purse tightly as I got no reply. Maybe he wanted money?

“Do you want money?”

He still didn’t reply. His head was bent and he was still. Too still. And was that a smirk at the corner of his lips?

Why hadn’t he approached me yet?

The music was still blasting and no one had come yet to open the gate despite my frantic knocking. My new found boldness and fury gave way to fear again.

I banged at the gate with all of my might. “Open up for me!”
Glancing at the green cap guy again and I saw that he was walking towards me. Slowly covering the few metres distance between us. Goosebumps swept my skin and I finally knew what it meant to be scared shitless.

I pounded on the gate. “Please you guys!” I screamed. “Open the door!” He was barely six feet apart now and I had that quick thought even as tears streamed down my face, that this was the end when the gate swung open.

“What are you screaming for?” Maya, my sister said. Turning back, I saw that the green cap guy was no longer there. Like he’d disappeared.

Bolting my way inside, I turned on my sister as soon as she locked the gate securely.

“What I’m screaming for??” I bellowed. “Someone has been following me and you guys wouldn’t open up because of that blasted music.”

It was then she really looked at me. My tear streaked face and the snot now running down my nose. Her indifferent face gave way to concern. “Are you being serious?”

I began sobbing. “One of these days someone is going to die outside because you are too busy making yourself irrevocably deaf with that music.” On that final note, I stalked to my room, too shaken to give my cat who’d ran to my feet a pat on the head as I normally would.

I don’t know how but I managed to fall asleep that night only to wake up suddenly by 3 am. I knew immediately something was wrong and felt my hackles rising. I felt it again. The feeling of being watched. Turning ever so slowly to my window on the left, I let out an ear-piercing shriek as I took in the apparition outside the window.

It was the green cap guy. And he was smiling at me.


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Jhymie's got a stalker 🤭😂😂✨

I was at the phase in my life were I found joy in mundanities like these.

Yuck 😔😂😂😂

This is quite a lovely story though...

Suspense really overflowed!✨

Jhymie's got a stalker

It's Jhymi. No 'e'😂

I'm glad you liked it. One would think I actually have a stalker.😄

Maybe you do😂😂

You just might...

I enjoyed reading, the storytelling was great and the suspence too. You might have to get a pepper spray for the green cap guy

I think I just might get that pepper spray after all.😄
I'm glad you enjoyed it.🌺

You ought to😅

A story full of suspense, it is very entertaining to read and captivates with the narrative, in the end we leave in suspense as if for a second part.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Good day.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for visiting.🪷