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RE: Road to destiny final

in Scholar and Scribe7 months ago (edited)

Hello, @elopinky. What a nice and inspiring story! I had to start from the first part and read through to this final part. Is it fiction or a true life story?

Prejudice is a vice prevalent in almost every section of our society. People who succeed often encounter this but rise above it! I'm glad Bella held onto her dream to become a medical doctor and is making waves in Delta.

Always remember to source your images. If the pictures are taken by you or taken from a free image site like, write so at the end of your post. Thanks for posting your piece in the Scholar N Scribe community. !PIZZA 🙂


Then pic are original own by me and was taken with my Samsung galaxy A12. The story is real about one of friend but the pix are of my family members.