Hurt feet | Pies lastimados. Poema [Eng/Esp]

Fuente imagen



We walk thorny borders,
steep or irregular,
then we inevitably get hurt,
with sharp glass on the floor,
with stones sharp as flints,
whether we like it or not we go barefoot,
much of the journey,
we try to look at the road,
of testing the ground,
but it's a lost battle,
wounds are inevitable,
precise cuts,
spectacular falls
we live with pain,
but we must continue walking,
many run desperate,
They have calluses on their feet,
or they are masochists,
I would say that the majority,
the world is crazy,
but sooner or later they will have to stop,
with bleeding feet,
with bandages or plasters,
with pain in the extremities,
and especially with the fatigue of the road.



Caminamos linderos espinosos,
escarpados o irregulares,
entonces irremediablemente nos lastimamos,
con vidrios cortantes en el suelo,
con piedras filosas como pedernales,
queramos o no vamos descalzos,
gran parte del trayecto,
tratamos de mirar el camino,
de tantear el suelo,
pero es una batalla perdida,
son inevitables las heridas,
los cortes precisos,
las caídas aparatosas
vivimos con dolor,
mas debemos seguir andando,
muchos corren desesperados,
tienen callos en los pies,
o son masoquistas,
Yo diría que la mayoría,
el mundo está loco,
pero tarde o temprano tendrán que detenerse,
con pies sangrantes,
con vendajes o yesos,
con dolor en las extremidades,
y sobre todo con el cansancio del camino.



¡¡¡ Gracias por leer y apoyar !!!



What a though-provoking poem! You paint vivid image of the hardships of life and the need to continue on the journey. Well done. Thanks for sharing your poem in the Scholar N Scribe community. !PIZZA 🙂

The path is life itself, which we lead while we breathe, each step is a lesson, love, happiness, sadness... We walk towards the horizon to reach the end of a new beginning.

Beautiful poem.
Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

Una gran realidad de todos los vivientes en los senderos de la existencia.


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