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RE: The Technologies of God- A Serial Micro-Fiction 23/24

Hey @litguru, can I feature your story for Hive Book Club Biweekly community contest?

The purpose is that people review your work and write their opinion on it.

I reckon this particular work isn't too long and could also get you more exposure as well. In return,you will be added as the beneficiary during and after contest on the announcement page :)

Let me know if you're interested.


That'd be great! Although, this is part of a longer set with 22 other episodes, so it would likely be confusing without that full context. If you think it's fine, then please go ahead. Otherwise, I'll be writing more stand alone pieces, and you could choose one that fits better for your audience, plus it'd more refined :)

We'd like to focus on reading comprehension and language learning too. I think your writing style fits for that especially we have a lot of non-english speaker audiences too. They can learn a lot of fancy words from your work :)

I think your writing style fits for that especially we have a lot of non-english speaker audiences too. They can learn a lot of fancy words from your work :)

heh. Thanks! I hope it's useful then. :)