Interlude: Alone Again - Part 1/3 (writing)

in Scholar and Scribelast month (edited)

Hello, Everyone!

Finally, it's Mary Windfiddle time again! Thank you for being so patient with my breaks from posting!

Last time in our D&D story, we were traversing the Swamp of Agony in search an Arcane prison where an ancient dragon was said to be held. However, this doesn't really matter, as what you're about to read here is a story from Mary's past. It started off as almost a joke (check out this Twitter challenge that I used to create Mary, before I ever imagined I was going to play as her). But the longer I though about what I'd written as her 'Heroic Deed', the more I wanted to write about it.

And so, here it is! Unlike the rest of Mary Windfiddle, this story is mine and mine alone. All the characters and events are mine, only the world is still our DM's. Also, it's quite longer than my usual posts... but I didn't want to divide it further than its three parts. They should feel like three separate but connected episodes.

I hope you enjoy it!

(And I hope you've seen my latest Art posts here and here, it was great drawing for them!)

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Part 1:
The Incident

“Alone, again?”

Mr Pruste’s head peaked through the door of the reading room. Without raising her eyes, Mary lifted her book to show him the cover.

“Oh, that’s a good one,” he said. “I’m heading out for the fiesta, you can stay and keep an eye on the books while I’m away. Leave the key in the flower pot outside, as usual.”

Mary nodded absentmindedly and continued reading. Sir Autumnburry, knight of the Rising Moon, was just about to enter the creepy mansion with only his trusty sword as a companion.

The front door of the library opened to let the sounds of the fiesta in, and then closed to drown them in silence.

Being twelve sure had its benefits. Up until this point, Mary had already read all the books in the children’s section of the library. Although she had her favourites--’The Fairy And Her Friends’ holding one of the first places--she’d kept on thinking about all the wonders the rest of the place contained. Now that she was finally in fifth grade, she was allowed in the 'grownup' section and it had revealed a whole new world ahead of her.

There were adventures, and mysteries, and tales of other realms. History books, too, as well as encyclopedias on the natural world. Mary was especially fascinated by all the creatures living outside of Frinkeltong and made sure to memorize as much of them as she could.

A 'thump!' and some scratching made her look up from the page. There was someone in the storage room. She frowned but didn't get up. Mr. Pruste had probably forgotten something and had come back to get it. And Sir Autumnburry was facing his evil twin-sister in a battle of swords and magic! She couldn’t get distracted now!

Another thump and some nervous ‘shush’-ing interrupted her read again. Not Mr. Pruste, she realized. He was very strict about noises in the library.

She couldn’t concentrate anymore. Carefully unfolding her legs from underneath herself and putting down her book, she tiptoed to the door and planted her ear on the dark wood.

“Careful, don’t drop it!” someone whispered.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this!” another said with a muffled giggle.

It sounded like shenanigans. Mr. Pruste hated shenanigans. Mary looked around, nervously, as if expecting to find someone to help her; but she was alone. Everyone else was having fun at the fiesta.

“Are you sure it's going to work?” someone whispered on the other side of the door.

“Of course! I’ve read all 'bout it!”

There was the dragging of some furniture around, as well as the sound of something scratching on the stone floor. The voices didn’t sound grow-up, not with all the giggling and little squeals of excitement. Mary took a breath and tried to push the door handle without making any sound.

“Is it ready?”

“Yeah, bring me the candle.”

Mary heard the most awful sound in the world – the ripping of a book page. Her stomach turned. Mr. Pruste had tasked her with protecting the books, she had to do something!

She took a breath and pushed the door open.


There were three human girls in the storage room, sitting around a chalk circle drawn on the ground. One of them had a tattered book on her lap. Another was holding a wrinkled page, torn off from that same book. The third was bringing a candle towards them. Mary’s eyes widened.

“What are you doing?!” she yelled out. “You’re not supposed to be here!”

The girls’ heads snapped towards her and she realized she knew them. They were from her school! The one with the page was named Patricia, the one with the candle was Annie--or maybe Ally?--and the one with the book was… um, someone beginning with ‘K’?

“I thought there was noone in here!” Annie--or Ally--yelped. “We’ll get in trouble!”

“We won’t!” ‘K’ insisted. “We just have to finish this an' it won’t matter that she’s seen us! Hurry up!

“No, no, wait!” Patricia said. “We can reason with her!”

She handed 'K' the page and stepped towards Mary with her arms spread in a pacifying gesture.

“You’re Windfiddle, right?” she said. “The one with the gnome parents. Don’t freak out, we’re just having fun…”

“That’s not fun!” Mary spout, her voice seething with anger. “You’re destroying a book!

“It’s s'posed to be destroyed!” the ‘K’ girl insisted. “It says ya have to burn it!”

“Burn it?!” Mary gasped. The flame of the candle fluttered as if there was a sudden draft in the room.

“Yes! Burn it! An' say the words! Like this!”

‘K’ grabbed the candle from Annie--or Ally’s--hands and thrust it into the old book. It caught flame in an instant. Holding the torn-off page and chanting in a language Mary didn’t understand, ‘K’ stepped into the chalk circle which swirled with black smoke.

“Stop it!” Mary yelled and rushed past Patricia who tried--and failed--to grab her.

‘K’s eyes were all-black now. She looked at Mary and grinned a menacing smile. The light of the book burning in her hand gave her a haunting, horrifying look.

Mary ran across the circle and pushed the girl with all her might. She saw ‘K’s face fall back, the black draining from her eyes and her mouth gaping open with shock.

Then the whole world went blank.


Darkness and confusion swirled in Mary's mind. She heard growls and laughter, then screams, then some distant whimpering. She felt cold stone beneath her back and the smell of something burning in the air. She opened her eyes and looked around, propping herself on her elbow.

The world was a blur of shapes and colors. Some were still. Others were moving. A human-shaped blob with a tuft of blonde hair on top was lying on the ground, wailing in pain. Another was kneeling above it, shouting something in panic.

Mary squinted. Where were her glasses?

A silhouette jumped in front of her and came into focus. It was ‘K’. Her eyes were widely open. Mary concentrated on the girl's mouth. It was moving but whatever she was saying, sounded muffled, like she was speaking gibberish.

‘K’ slapped her.

Mary blinked. Suddenly, the sounds turned into words.

“... goin’ to have to help me! Do ya hear me, Windfiddle?” ‘K’ was yelling in her face. “Stand up!”

Mary’s feet automatically obeyed. The world was still a blur but she began distinguishing the shapes of well-known objects – stacks of books, shelves, a ladder. Everything was bathed in shimmering orange light.

“It won’t stop burnin’!” ‘K’ blurted. “I can’t make it stop!”

The book she’d lit on fire lay on the floor. It was charred to a point where there shouldn’t have been anything to burn anymore, but it was still blazing.

Mary snapped to attention. She ran to the bathrooms and came back with a large bucket.

“Wait, it’s empty?” ‘K’ yelled. “Where’s the water?!

Mary didn't have time to explain. She turned the bucket upside down and placed it on top of the book, covering it completely. She held her breath and waited for the fire to consume the oxygen in the enclosed space. In these moments of stillness, two voices reached her ears.

“Hold on, Ally!” Patricia was whimpering. “It’s ok, you’re ok! You'll be all right!”

“It hurts so much!” Ally cried out, tears smeared on her face.

Mary rushed towards the girls. “What happened?” she said. “Where are you hurt? Let me help!”

“Get AWAY from me!” Ally screamed and scrambled back, yelping in pain.

“Stay back!” Patricia jumped between Mary and the other girl. "I’m warning you!”

“What? But… but… why?”

“It was your fault! You did this, you monster!

Mary recoiled like she’d been struck. She could now see the fear and… distrust? anger? hatred?... in the two girls’ eyes. But she couldn’t understand why

“Please! Whatever I did, I'm sorry!” she said. “I really don't know what happened! Please, don't tell Mr. Pruste!”

“Like hell we won’t!” Patricia said. “We’ll tell everyone what a freak you are!”

It was like the floor had disappeared from under Mary’s feet. Her lip trembled as she shrunk back, fully in tears. She had betrayed Mr. Pruste’s trust. She had let people in the library. They had set a book on fire! She was never going to be let in the library ever again!

“We’ll tell the librarian, the teachers, your parents…” Patricia began listing.

“Oh, yeah?” ‘K’ stepped in front of Mary with a hand on her hip. “An' what are you goin’ to say, exactly?” She changed her voice, in a mocking approximation of the other girls. “‘Hello, Mr. Librarian! We were just sneakin’ in the library to perform a shady ritual, an' then Windfiddle came 'n' dealt with us, like the filthy intruders that we were!’” Her voice became her own again. Her eyes were staring daggers. “Who do you think is goin’ to get in more trouble? You or she?”

“Y-you won't dare!” Patricia said. “You were the one who made us do it!”

‘K’ shrugged. “I’ll take my punishment gladly. Will you?

Ally and Patricia shared a worried look. They scrambled on their feet, Ally whimpering and pressing the side of her chest. With Patritia holding her upright, they limped towards the back door of the storage area.

“You’ll pay for this!” Patricia hissed. “Both of you!”

And just like that, they were gone.

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So, how did you like the story so far? Do you like baby-Mary? She's so cute and innocent here! No hard choices yet, no being injured and having seen death... (However, also not having friends like Bruno, Aurum, Agatha and Tesaya!)

See you in the next part of the story!
Take care and be well!

(P. S. By the way, Patricia and Ally make a short, unnamed appearance here. Did you recognize them?

Episodes of Mary Windfiddle's story come out every Monday and Thursday.
(Also, here's a link to the Chapter Guide, the Glossary and the Map for the series. You're welcome!)

An important disclaimer: Mary Windfiddle's story is my notes from a D&D game turned into a narrative. All the worldbuilding and NPC encounters belong to our DM, and all the actions of the other main characters (Aurum, Bruno and Agatha) belong to my co-players. My contribution to the story is only everything Mary-related (actions, reactions, inner thoughts), as well as the writing itself.


Seems like even in her childhood days Mary staggered into trouble only because she's trying to do the right thing.
I'm curious now how the story will progress. So on to part two! 😁
Thanks for sharing some of Mary's background story with us! 🥰

It seems like practice makes better and better writing :) Keep it up :)

Thank you! <3