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RE: Arrows in Flight - Fantasy Fiction (Part Two)

in Scholar and Scribe2 years ago

You write the tale as if you are in the battlefield with the combatants

This is honestly how I see it when I'm writing, especially if I'm firing on all cylinders creatively, like not forcing myself to write through a creative block.

I see the scenes flow and progress as I type out the scenes, I guess this is because I get the same visual flow when reading a good book too.

Sometimes it is awesome, then others, like when the Captain is remembering all the horrors that allow him to break through the mental barrier of the paralysis spell... well it is less pleasant, but all part of the process.

I'm glad you are enjoying these fantasy pieces @generikat

The final part will be out next weekend, and that will probably be the last thing I put on hive for quite a while as I have a large writing project I have to focus on.

Thanks again for reading 🙂