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RE: The Initiate's Rune Quest - Fantasy Fiction Short story (1777 Words)

in Scholar and Scribe2 years ago (edited)

I'm thinking maybe i might write 2 or 3 more short stories following Kelverirn's adventures into magehood.

But I've got to be a little careful not to self-publish too much from this setting, or give away too much about the world subcreation, as this is the world I'm writing a novel set in. I have an old university friend who works in the mainstream publishing industry, and she's advised me to be very sparing with putting much out around a setting that I'm going to pitch to an agent, or directly to a publishing house.

But i would like to write one more at least showing how Kelverirn has to learn how to master using the rune. There is a complex idea behind how the rune magic works 🙂♍