S&S Invitational: June Edition | Captive

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The shackles hurt my wrists, my body faints from the fatigue of being hung. Gravity wants to dislocate my shoulders, but I resist, I want to live, to get out of this situation in which life has put me. I still don't know why, but here I am accompanied by these terrible pains.

My eyes burn and I feel that my soul wants to escape with every sob. The voices in my head torment me, and the screeching of rodents brings me back to the reality of sinister darkness.

The yellowish light comes on, and amidst incandescent reflections that cloud my eyes, I see a shadow that grows lighter as it approaches me. A bath of icy water covers me and I feel like pricks in every fiber of my body. The numbness is overwhelming and uncontrolled shivering makes my muscles dilate and contract.

Then a punch jolts my mind and the lights begin to dance, I lose balance in my head and momentarily faint in the shadows.

"Hey, hey, buddy, wake up, it's not time to sleep anymore. Haha." A chubby man holds my head, as his breath pierces my nostrils. My stomach churns and I expel a yellowish liquid that drips onto the white shirt with blood and sweat stains. "You asshole, look what you've done, I'll have to give you a punishment."

He punches me a couple of times in the face and blood starts gushing out. Pain eats away at every cell in my face and I collapse in a trail of darkness. I turn back to me and feel again the ice water running through every pore of my skin, I open my eyes and the blurred images become clearer.

I see the man's chubby face, a prominent bald head, and a very unkempt beard. His black eyes with an indelible pint of brown stare at me. With his big hand, he slaps me and says, “Wake up, animal. It's time for fun. Haha."

He unties me and I fall to the pestilent ground, bloodstains and dust coming together in a sticky mixture forming surreal figures. The chubby man carries me and places me on a dirty, ill-treated table. He ties one of my hands to the table and as he is about to do the same with the other, a deep voice is heard in the background.

The chubby man disappears into the shadows and with the little strength I have left I stand up and look with my free hand for something to cut with. There is a tray on the table and I see a set of knives. I quickly grab a small one and as I cut the rope, the chubby man appears. “What are you doing, beast?”

I immediately take the dagger and stab him in the arm. The man screams in pain as he falls to the ground. Adrenaline rushes through my body and I reach for another knife, cut the rope, and run out of the place. Meanwhile, the chubby man screams. "I'll kill you, I'll kill you!"

I keep running barefoot through that gloomy place. Barely a few dim lights illuminate separate tables, this place is like a morgue. The chubby man comes after me, shouting expletives. I keep running awkwardly with my legs making me limp.

I hear a faint voice. “Help, help me, please.” I head towards the table where the voice came from.

I see a horrible sight, a body with no eyes and no internal organs. I feel nauseous, but I restrain myself and keep running, looking to escape. Again I hear the voice I approach another table and see a naked man, almost a skeleton. He is still alive, I take a knife and cut one of the ropes, at that moment I feel a push and I see myself on the floor.

I start to struggle with the chubby man, who is bathing in blood. The fight for life becomes more intense, his yellowish teeth show in a grimace of fury. “Damn you, I'm going to kill you, I won't spare you.”

I can't hold him back he's so strong despite being wounded. He has me completely overpowered, it's the end of me. Blow after blow lands on my face, blood flies on the dirty floor and he gloats over the bloody spectacle.

I am tired and on the verge of unconsciousness, I am about to die...

Then I feel the chubby man's body fall on top of me. I hear a voice, “Are you all right.” I nod and he holds out his hand.

I get up and see the chubby man lying on the floor with a knife stuck in his back. We start running around the compound looking for the exit, he leads the way as we go down a long hallway. We entered a room full of freezers and looked at human organs, I was stunned. The scrawny little man turns to me, “We have to escape through that window, help me up, and then I'll help you.”

Before climbing up he takes a doctor's coat he finds and puts it on, then I help him up. With a lot of effort, the man climbs out of the window. He passes me his hands to help me climb and at that moment, footsteps and voices are heard, I try to climb as fast as I can.

“Pull hard, they're coming!” in my anguish to get out I yell at the man.

“Sorry, I won't get caught.” The man lets go of me and runs off down the dark street.

I fall to the ground. The door bursts open and I see two men in butcher's coats. "This asshole killed Gorgio. Get him so he doesn't escape."

I grab a knife and start to fight with the men, I cut one of them. My strength runs out and the men give me a tremendous beating. Everything goes dark, and I lose consciousness. I wake up and I don't know how long I've been unconscious, and I watch one of them approach with several surgical instruments.

"Hello, asshole, you woke up at the most opportune moment. Now you'll see how I open your belly and take out all your organs, haha." He starts cutting the superficial skin.

I scream from the pain and the man smiles enjoying the moment. He takes another scalpel and puts more pressure, I feel a horrible pain and at that moment a great hubbub is heard, shots, screams, and sirens are heard. Several officers enter the place and arrest the gang of organ traffickers.

After a few days, the skinny man walks into my hospital room and introduces himself. "Greetings, I'm Detective Anderson. I wanted to thank you for helping me escape and finally catch these criminals. If it hadn't been for you I would have died and the case would remain unsolved. Thank you for everything." He gives the military salute and says goodbye, while I keep thinking that life has given me another chance to do what I love.


Sources of the post images
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Edited by Rincón Poético.

The text of this post was originally translated from Spanish to English with the translator DeepL

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What a dark and gripping story! I can say the protagonist went through hell but thankfully the law enforcement agents arrive on time to save him. Though I'm not impressed with the detective's betrayal. What if the protagonist died before he returned with backup? 😄

You write beautifully and capture the terror and desperation of falling into the hands of terrible men who harvest body parts for sale. Well-written. Thank you for participating in the Scholar N Scribe Invitational. Good luck!

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Thank you for your kind comment, I'm very glad you liked it. Personally, I really like stories with a touch of darkness and every time I have the opportunity I write in this style.

Very flattered by your words, thank you very much for your recognition.

Happy day!


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