She was not invisible after all

in Scholar and Scribelast year (edited)

The girl looked up from her phone having been startled by a bundle of papers being dumped down on a desk.

Inga was at University in Glasgow, and was sat in a Communications lecture. The Professor had been droning on about some nonsense.


She had been bored and so had logged into Facebook. She had been smiling at a post from Sheila her cousin, who was smiling at a couple of newborn lambs. It was lambing season on the wee island of Yell where she was from.

Inga always laughed when she told people where she was from. Yell was an island in Shetland way up north off the coast of Scotland. Funnily enough, she had never yelled in her life. Yell was closer to Norway than Scotland and she often wondered how they yelled in Norwegian.

But she lived in the here and now and here now was stuck in a lecture hall in Glasgow and not laughing with her cousin on the croft they shared in Yell.

"Oh you should go for it" said Sheila "you are so talented, it will be a breeze for you."

Going for it as Sheila urged, meant applying for a full scholarship for a Communications degree at the fancy University of Glasgow miles away from home.

Inga was happy being a local tour guide for Yell and indeed the whole of Shetland if someone asked nicely, but Sheila felt her cousin was wasting her talents.

Sheila and Inga were not only cousins they were orphans with no siblings.

Two years ago their parents were driving back from Lerwick the capital of the Shetland Islands. It was late at night and pitch back. To make matters worse it was during a storm. They really should pullover, but they had to make the last ferry or be stranded.

Little did they know that the ferry had been cancelled. The storm was so severe that no internet or mobile phone service was available on the whole island.

They were only a mile from the ferry terminal when they had the misfortune to run into a big tourist-driven Recreational Vehicle that came over a hill on the wrong side of the road.

In the ensuing headon collision, both sets of parents were taken in a flash and Inga and Sheila had become orphans.

They were strong girls and whilst Inga flourished academically, Sheila was quite the natural born crofter, who loved to help the family farm and knit.

Sheila had been going out with big Duncan from Unst for 21 months now, and she was getting broody! Looking back on it, Inga knew that was what prompted Sheila to urge Inga into applying for the scholarship.

No matter, it was done now!

Ah, home thought Inga, she could almost hear the faint cries of the newborn lambs, and the swagger of the ewes as the flexed their children to each other.

Sheep were so funny thought Inga, they really could be the most stupid of animals at times, just like humans!

"Susan Guthrie 71% quite good effort Susan.
Brian Sinclair 33% what the fluff were you playing at. Any more of that and you will fail the course."

The Professor read out some more names and the students would go and collect their essays that they submitted last week.

Still no me thought Inga.

"Wendy Bannister 84% top of the class, well done that was a great essay. Now you see class, if you all write like Wendy then you will be graduating with honours in no time."

"Class dismissed!" the Professor finished talking.

Everyone got up and shuffled out of the lecture and down the hall towards the library where their study group was being held.

What The fluff thought Inga, where is mine!

Oh hear we go thought Inga, not been noticed yet again.

She marched up to the head of the classroom.

"Ehm Professor Stupid sorry I mean Professor Stewart do you have my essay?"

"Who are you? Are you in my class?"

"Yes, Professor Stewart I am. My name is Inga, Inga Staples."

"Oh let me see" said the Professor and opened a drawer.
He rummaged around for a bit shuffling papers.

"Here we go. Inga Staples 95% yes this was quite a good read. Try harder next rime and you might get a better score."

"Thank you Professor replied Inga taking her essay from him and walking out of the classroom."

"95% 95 fluffing percent and I am not even mentioned and Wendy was top with 11 % less than me! 11 PERCENT she yelled to herself, yes that is why Inga had never yelled, she did it internally!"

She stuffed the essay into her back pack and walked straight past the library, they can all go to hell thought Inga!

In a daze, Inga had walked out of the University and was now heading aimlessly along the River Clyde towpath.


Inga was jolted out of her mood.

"Heyy wait!"
Inga was alert now, suddenly she felt chilly, there was ice on the river and she had forgotten her coat in the lecture hall.
"Hey wait a second!"
Inga found her keys and put one through her knuckles, ready to punch the man in the eye if need be!
She could hear footsteps now.
"Hey Inga wait!"
At the sound of her name, she stopped dead in her tracks.
"Inga" the man grabbed her arm.
Inga meanwhile was yelling inside.
"Here" said the man and placed a coat over her shoulders.
Inga looked up and was staring into the handsome hazel with a hint of almond eyes of Archie Cameron, the self-proclaimed charming rascal of the Communications class.
"I saw you storm past the library and went to see what happened, and I grabbed your coat for you Inga. Is everything okay with you?" he asked with concern in his voice.

"Oh I am fine now Archie, thank you for my coat"
Inga was in a state of shock and her heart was jumping up down and around and around, Archie had never said a word to her before.

"Brilliant, you had me worried Inga. How about we go for a hot coffee and get you warmed up?"

Inga blushed.

She felt on top of the world, Archie Cameron had noticed her, and here they were about to go for coffee!

She was not invisible after all!

Thank you for reading, this is my entry for Season 2 Round 1 Dreem Word of the Week (dreem-wotw).
The prompt is invisible and the original competition post here
Lead Image from ([] prompt by me.

@tengogaming (tengolotodo) 24th Janury 2023


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At last, I hear again from Archie Cameron, the charming rascal, Super Ed! jeje
Are you moving forward with Archie's story? better not answer me, LOL, and surprise me ;)

Hehe no comment and Happy Wednesday Super Eli!

Jaja!! En español hay un refrán que dice que el que calla, otorga 😂
Happy Wednesday, Super Ed!


Yay! 🤗
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It sounds like Inga's professor needs to be more professional... I'm glad she has a new friend 🙌

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