
Very well could be! The thought had crossed my mind, for sure. Regardless, Fate will have a hand in what happens next, whatever decision is made. I really ought to include my post on the creative process in the curated collection, just for fun

I'd love to know more about the dice roll and the scoring system you use to decide the outcome.

Posted via D.Buzz

So, truthfully, it's not super structured. I typically come to what I believe to be a natural fork in the road, and - much like a DnD DM - I begin to roll dice for different aspects of the scenario.

For example: when Turner came back into town, I had NO idea what would happen. I already had it in my mind that either the Sheriff or Gunnar went back, so I had to do some rearranging of the story in my head. So, I rolled for several different things: whether there were people in the street, their general demeanor, their reaction to Turner coming back, whether they believed his story or not, and how they responded. Like I said in that chapter, every "fuck" that Turner said was simply an echo of my own feelings. haha Typically, I go to an "even vs. odd numbers" system, but I'll sometimes choose several different options and roll a d10 or even a d20 with a different range of numbers for each option. In this way, Fate shows up in my writing and keeps me objective.

So, I truly have no idea what will happen with Turner. I really hope I don't have to kill him off... !PIZZA

How could that be translated to a d6? Unfortunately that is all I have. I lost my d20 dice set a few years ago.

Simple really, the easy decisions can be made with a simple even/odd roll, or if you have three options, giving them corresponding numbers like 1&3, 2&5, 4&6. Or some other combination like that. Lots of ways around the same thing. Could even roll two or three d6 simultaneously to approximately simulate the larger dice like the d12 and d20.