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RE: Our Homeschool Diary: Frolics and Antics

in Home Edders3 years ago

It's so interesting to read about your homeschooling experiences! I don't have children yet, but I would like to homeschool my future kids as well. I worked in different primary schools for some years and I've seen too many children lose their natural fun in learning there.
I believe children have a native urge to learn and I would love to support them in the right way.

But one good thing about school is, that there are other kids the same age. How do you deal with that? Do you have contact to other families, homeschooling their kids, so your little ones get to play with other children?

Thanks for sharing your experiences <3


Hey @anafae, appreciate you coming over to my post. Homeschooling your future children will really be one of the best (if not the best) you'll ever make. It's obviously not all rainbows and chocolates, but it's all worth it.

We live as expats so we do not have much children neighbors. Before the pandemic though, we used to meet with other kids from our local homeschool coop. Nowadays meetups are done virtually. It's a blessing to have siblings! They are the friends (and enemies) of each other. hehe


There has already been too much ENGAGE today.