How is it to live in one of the cheapest Country in the world? Do we have to make sacrifices? Let's Find out.

in Home Edders3 years ago

Hello #hive @homeedders,

Let's find out how much money does it take to live in India.

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About me

As this is my first post here, I'll talk about my only home-schooling experience.

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I am Arun Biju and I'm a Civil Engineering Graduate. I have to start by saying that I have never been home schooled by anyone. Home schooling is not often practiced here in Kerala, India at least. But after this pandemic I had some experience in teaching my sister @arunimabiju as schools were shutdown but the students had to continue learning. Well, that's about my Home-Schooling experience.

The question

As came to know about this community via the ongoing @ocd contest I'll be answering the question given to me.

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What is the cost of living like in your country or region?

Well, I'll be answering this question in terms of

  1. Cost of Education
  2. Cost of Food
  3. Cost of Internet

Now let's talk about these questions.

1. Cost of Education

As this community is based on schooling let's start from the cost of education.

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You see I am from the state of Kerala and before i cover about the cost of education let me say that our state is ranked no 1 for literacy rate.

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How did we became first?

The fact that I'm most proud of is the gender gap, with just 2.2 % we are making an example for the rest of India to follow. Having said that lets dive into how we were able to achieve this astounding figure. Education in Kerala can be gained for free! Yes, that is not a typo. Government of Kerala and our leaders knew that if we want to lift India of out poverty then the first priority should be getting the citizens of India educated. So, they started building lots of government schools and started funding some privately managed schools. Kids were not that keen on staying in school and getting education at first so in order to make them come to school Government started providing free food for all those who attended class and trust me that helped a lot during the early times when getting some rice for learning was just enough to help kids come to school regularly. Anyway, that system is still place and I believe that was good history of how we reached that achievement.

Cost of getting education can be said to be nearly zero up to higher secondary education. If you want a college degree you could apply for a Government run institution but you will need good grades. Even getting a paid College degree is not that costly that being said in order to get an engineering degree you roughly have to spend about 3000 USD. So, the initial cost of getting an education simply shrinks to the supplements that we need like books and pen.

2. Cost of Food

Now let's talk food

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Cost of food is also minimal but don't get me wrong we still have five-star hotels and all that charge you quite a bit. But for an average household the price is low. Unlike most countries we cook our food and only rarely do we go and eat outside so that helps bring the price further down. If you want to buy your food then a meal would usually start with half a dollar and could go up to almost 10 USD (there are costlier options too). Before I conclude this topic, I would like to say that we Keralites love spice (Vasco Da Gama landed on the shores of Kerala and the first thing we started trading was spices) and we use it a lot that give it a beautiful aroma.

3. Cost of Internet

Lets now find out the cost to stay connected.

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Internet is something that helped me connect to a world that was not within my reach. The role of internet in gaining knowledge should be understandable especially to us blockchain enthusiast. If you ask me internet was only something that people with good paying jobs could afford but things have changed a lot. This sudden decrease of price is hugely thanks to a man called Mukesh Ambani Indias biggest billionaire. He was the one who brought 4g to India via Jio network and during the launch of his network he simply gave people free data and calls for almost a year. So, companies had to reduce their price to compete with his network now we simply have to pay about 5 USD for a month of high-speed data. This made a huge impact on how people used their mobile phones and everything started becoming online. It was this same internet boom that helped T-Series (A popular record label and distributor in India) overthrew Pewdiepie on YouTube to become the worlds most subscribed channel. So, the potential for Indian community is huge for the crypto and blockchain based social media like #Hive.

So, I would say that India is one the cheapest county to live in without much sacrifices. Anyway, that's my opinion and I hope you guys enjoyed ☮️.

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Thank you for sharing this with us! I like your post for keeping it simple. Your post is vrey good structured and you explained it all so good!
I am from Romania, but I really enjoyed reading about your country and your region of Kerala.

I am happy to know that 😊

Hola, que buen post, acá en Venezuela al contrario que en tu país, comprar comida es muy costoso, al punto que hay personas apenas hacen una comida diaria; En cuanto al internet es barato porque el servicio lo presta una empresa del gobierno, pero a veces presenta muchas fallas!

Gracias por tu comentario y sí, he escuchado que en los países occidentales el costo de la comida es bastante alto.

Super costoso, con decirte que un mes de salario no alcanza para comprar ni medio kilo de carne!

Oh, Dios mío, ni siquiera puedo imaginar eso 😲 esperemos que algún día todos obtengan lo que se merecen 🙏

Amen, gracias por tus buenos deseos!

Hello, thank you very much for sharing with us details of your life in India. It is very interesting how despite the difficulties you can stay connected. It is the same in our case. The inequalities on the planet are many. The resources are not equitable.

I send you greetings of encouragement

Thank you for your opinion and encouragement 😊. Well we can only hope that one day the world will unite to fight this inequality ☮️

Hola, fue muy grata la lectura de tu post.
Uy! si que se dice que en India se utilizan muchas especias. Las comidas debe quedar super buenas.
Entonces vivir por allá no amerita de mucho coste y si podemos pagar una suscripción a internet seria lo máximo, usaríamos la red para obtener mas conocimientos, aprovecharlos y ayudar a los demás. Sobre todo en el campo de la tecnología y las criptomonedas.

Mucha suerte en el concurso.

gracias por leer mi post y tu aliento 😊

Hello, I would love to go to India it was one of my mum's favorite trips,s and I'm really interested in Indian culture. I like how your post highlights the cost of living in India in a simple way. Thank you:)

Well, you should definitely visit one day also I'm glad to hear that your mom had good experience. Thanks for reading and engaging 😄

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Hive Power Up Day - April 1st 2021 - Hive Power Delegation

Seems like there have been a lot of changes for the better, there. Well done India!

Yes, good changes are welcome but still we have a lot to overcome.

Your post is very informative, I have always wanted to visit India but don’t know yet what specific places there I’d want to go. It’s amazing that your state was able to offer free education. Being able to finish a degree makes a difference on someone’s life. I wish our country’s internet provided would have that competitor too, we’re paying so much for data consumption 😩

You should visit one day and vist all the states here, It will be like visiting many countries cause each state is super different. We even have different languages . Lets also hope that internet becomes free for everyone in the world ☮️

Oh, thanks for the heads up. I’ll take note of that variety of the places. Yes, hoping for free Internet too! 🙏🏼