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RE: Our Homeschool Diary: Skill Unlocked

in Home Edders3 years ago

That's some awesome progress of these kiddos!

I see a fair amount of our son in your little man, although he can't read or write yet he isn't the most enthusiastic with doing it but once he gets going with me and doing some letters, he gets very into it in his own way and will start jumping around. He's very physical with his methods so it takes a bit but I will take progress. I made him a little food art today and I've been focusing on making them into letters to help him learn them. He recognized the letter but didn't immediately say it until I brought it up in his workbook and he instantly said correctly "Y!" so we were very proud of him. Takes a bit of work but it goes well in the end, after some bumps!

I find it funny though that he was bored of the book 2 and wanted to go over to book 2. I don't blame him! He may know it more than you realize but doesn't communicate it well enough until he says let's move over to book 2 instead. Good for him!


Thank you @cmplxty!☺️ It's really a challenge to keep these kiddos engaged with their learning but I guess that's where we have to support them-- find a way they can maximize their potentials. Whew! Parenting and facilitating. It gets scarier each day, but exciting and fulfilling at the same time. I guess your Little One will just surprise you one day of what he knows already. As they say, kids are like sponges, they absorb as much as they are exposed to. 😀

Yeah keeping him engaged is important for sure!

It’s hilarious because they are absolutely little sponges lol he brings things out that we had no idea he remembers and it cracks us up. Totally mimics my wife and I with some of his statements!


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