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RE: New episode of our kids show!

in Home Edders3 years ago

That’s awesome lol the blind box is a cool idea! I think our son would have fun with that for sure. He would certainly try to keep the money as well lol.

We’ve been toying with the idea of creating YouTube videos ourselves to try and make a presence but aren’t specifically sure the kind we want to do. I’ve got some ideas but trying to turn it into a 5-10 minute video is a little tough lol. I’m sure after edits it will end up being a minute hahah


Thanks for saying so!
Yeah we have fun doing them. They take a long time to edit, as even though I’m a professional editor, I tend to do these over the evenings at home bit by bit with no pressure. So it tend to feel like it takes a long time as a result! Also - you’re right, 5-10 mins of good quality content can take a long time to make!


There has already been too much ENGAGE today.