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RE: [EN/ES] Olives and financial education | Aceitunas y educacion Financiera

in Home Edders3 years ago

Congrats on being a new father! It’s definitely a wonderful thing and full of awesome moments and challenging ones. The finances are one of those, as you say, things that are difficult to taste without other ingredients. I think that the kids will have their own way of learning it if you are able to introduce it slowly. With our son he happened to watch some shows that had treasure in it and he was intrigued so we gave him some change and that was his treasure. He started to ask some more questions about money and it’s grown from there. He’s now earning a little allowance for doing chores and getting to understand that if he saves money he can buy certain things but only within his little budget. We are hoping these life choices are going to impact him in the future!



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Thank you for your comment and for the congratulations :D

And with regard to placing chores at home, it seems perfect to me, as my daughter still doesn't know how to count, (only until the 10th) what we do is do something similar, only that the benefit is the snack.

It just occurred to me when I write this, perhaps in the future a kind of investment system will not be a bad idea; "You give me two of the cookies you have saved and in 3 days I will give you 3 cookies". It's a very crazy idea, although it could work hahaha