How to get your child to do homework?

in Home Edders3 years ago

If the child does not want to do homework, parents should create a daily routine with the child, until a habit is made. Determine with him a specific time when he will sit down to do homework.


Be sure to take into account the intra-family schedule, in this regard the homework schedule should be flexible: the child should not sit down for lessons when dad comes home from work, or grandma comes to visit, or you and your brother or younger sister go to the playground, etc. In this case, the child cannot concentrate and it will be extremely difficult to force him to do the homework, he may even feel offended and declare "I don't want to do the homework"! And by the way, he will be absolutely right: why study should not become a punishment for him!

When creating a homework schedule it is absolutely impossible to deviate from the schedule without good reason. Otherwise, there should be penalties, the installation of which must also be agreed with the child in advance. Surely, this will come down to depriving him of some personal pleasures, for example, taking away the computer, television, etc. It is not advisable to deny visits to training sessions and walks in the fresh air.

What is the best time to do homework?

It is best to do homework with the child after an hour and a half after returning from school, so that the child has time to rest from class.

Children's intellectual activity increases after a little physical activity; This is a scientific fact, so you should play after school, but only in moderation.

When it's time to do homework, ask your child to remember what was asked of him in class. It is important for him to know that this also applies to him, although Mom has it all written down. If the child remembered at least partially, it is imperative to praise him.

Strategies to help children reinforce tasks in an easy way.


  • If a first grader has trouble spelling numbers or letters, a simple technique can help: a school game, where your child will be a teacher and you will be a student.

  • Let me "teach" you to write numbers or letters: To begin, let him write with his finger in the air, reciting his actions aloud in detail, and only then write it down in a notebook.

  • Sculpting numbers and letters from plasticine, it is very useful to learn to recognize them by touch. You can take them out on a tray with cereals, with your finger in the sand, etc.

  • If reading is difficult for the child, try to paste at home, in various places, brochures with syllables and short words written in different fonts, in different colors, upside down, sideways. This will help them to unconsciously learn to recognize letters and develop automatic reading.

Data to take into account.

If the child cannot concentrate and tires quickly, there is no point in insisting on continuing the classes. It is better to announce a short break: five minutes, give the task of jumping 10 times, or, for example, crawl under a chair. The main thing is not to get carried away, the number of exercises must be strictly limited, otherwise you will quickly lose control of the situation and will not be able to force the child to perform the task again.

How to teach your child to do homework alone.

To teach your child how to do homework on his own, teach him to use dictionaries, encyclopedias, and reference books. Ask him what this or that word means, pretend you don't know him, and ask the child for help. By trying to cope with the task without outside help and by finding answers to all the questions on his own, the child learns to think intelligently and reflectively. And, in addition, the information thus assimilated is remembered much better than the answers provided.

Children studying in the primary grades of school require unlimited patience and increased attention. Do not leave children alone with their problems, this can have bad consequences. Be loving, attentive and patient - the baby will grow and everything will work out, and problems will be avoided!