Integrated tasks as a strategy for the development of reading comprehension.

in Home Edders2 years ago
Hello to all my friends and readers of @homeedders these weeks I have been reviewing the active methodologies for learning, these as strategies to help the agents of education at home as well as parents in creating strategies that are striking, simple and do not involve a high cost in its implementation. In this search, I came across a methodology that is not so new but very effective and is still in use today and this is learning through integrated tasks.


What is learning with integrated tasks?

This is learning from experience, the basis of which is found in the execution of a set of actions that integrate more than one capacity and ability for the development and consolidation of a topic or content. From this perspective, we speak of integrated tasks. A key point is to establish the relationship with reality, for this we can use a problematic situation and create a route to solve it where children have different alternatives. This can be used with any content, didactic objective and area of knowledge. Its use is extremely easy when we focus on planning the purpose or product of learning. In my case I designed a strategy for the development of reading comprehension that is now available for everyone on the HIVE blogchain thanks to the @homeedders community.


Developing reading comprehension with integrated tasks. Ideal for children ages 9 and up.


Step 1. Establish the objective of the activities:

Developing reading comprehension.

Step 2. Select the competencies and skills necessary to achieve the objective:

communicative competencies: decoding words, recognition of word families, attention, active listening, writing. Creative thinking, imagination.


Step 3. Create our strategy: My monthly magazine.

The "My monthly magazine" strategy.



-We are going to ask the child to select two articles from any periodical publication every week for a month, either on the Internet or in local newspapers, read them and write his or her own report of the event based on the news. For the writing of the news you should locate the date, place and aspects related to: What happened, what were the consequences of the event, who or what caused the event, and what was the highlight of the event. And what was the most outstanding aspect?

-In a sketchbook, or in a folder that we will make with recycled material, we will indicate that they should be putting together their own magazine, in this case they can use their creativity to diagram the text (this means that they can write in blocks or columns the content of the news), they should make a drawing or cut out some figure related to the news. The text that will be written manually does not need to be very extensive but it should cover the relevant data, remembering that this text will be elaborated from your own analysis.


At the end of the month, the child should have a magazine with 8 articles resulting from his interpretation, which we can enjoy and read with him so that he can discover how his analytical skills have advanced and grown over the weeks. It is very important to review the process with the child, remembering the steps to follow and motivating him/her to discover the news, readings and information that he/she likes.

As you can see, it is a simple, fun and entertaining strategy. What we are looking for is creativity in the activities while the child reads and analyzes. If we realize that to obtain the final product, the magazine, the child must perform different activities and put into use various skills and abilities which makes it an integrated task. I hope you enjoyed this activity. Thank you


Hola @emmoron 👋

Excelente estrategia para estimular la lectura y el análisis comprensivo en nuestros niños,la pondré en práctica con mi niño de 10 años para reforzar su capacidad de análisis.

Un gusto leerte, Saludos 😊

My daughter is currently doing a topic called Integrated Learning for her high school certificate. I wondering what was meant by the title, now I know, thank you.

My son is still in kindergarten, once he is able to read I am going to use this strategy with him. Good evening!