Home Schooling Vs. Traditional Schooling

in Home Edders28 days ago

Greeting to you all, i bring you great news as we do our best to add value to the #homeedders community. A few days ago, i meet some people engaging in a debate between home schooling method and the traditional schooling method.


While i listen to them, a few lines of their argument got my attention so i decided to share it here, also to have your opinion on the issue, i will also love to share a few thing that i do believe is my subject of concern. Am bringing this up today because in my research after listening to the debate, shows that many parent are still very unfamiliar with this whole home schooling idea, this is bringing a whole lots of confusions and speculations, hence the need to talk about it here.

What is Homeschooling:

Home schooling is a movement that is progressive captured globally, where by the parents are integral part of their children education, primarily at their home, rather than the private or public institution. The reason for choosing home schooling may be different, base on parental views, some may include dissatisfaction in educational content, religious philosophies, and many more.

  • Homeschooled child will have some flexible scheduled curriculum that will be tailored to the child’s preferences. ranging the Kindergarten Home learning curriculum, you look at the home learning method for preschool curriculum, even the Home based preschool curriculum, they all have flexibility for the child's effective performance.

  • Home based learning makes the child more knowledgeable, you can see that the absence of peers, forces them to give more attention to the person teaching them. This allows for more concentration and thereby gain knowledge and not just the memories.

  • The outstanding advantages of home schooling is the safe environment. Learning in the comfort of his or her own home, No more worries about transporting of their kids to school and the risk of traveling alone.

What is Traditional schooling:

Traditional schooling is what we know to be a systematic instruction and regulations that are common to public institutions, this systems are put in place by governments, the key flow of knowledge and information is being regulated and moderated by the teacher.

  • The traditional schooling adhere to a traditional method of imparting knowledge, were the child learn in a classroom with their classmates, under the supervision of the teacher.

  • In the traditional schooling, the child is always in contact with their mates, that helps to increases inter-child interaction and give room for confidence in approaching new people.

  • In the traditional schooling, kids are constantly being guided by the teachers. there by having a face to face teaching learning experience and will creat rooms for questions to the teacher when necessary.

Comparing both

The home school learning and traditional schooling have equal advantages but will say that it is safe to do home schooling, for safety.

from my observation, the learning quality in home schooling is higher than in traditional schools, the home-school child will learn more quickly and faster than the traditional school child reasons being that they will be more interested in studies that are more personalized than the routine-based subjects.


The educational quality in home school child is higher than in traditional schools, because of their learning speed, but i will sat that it will be more productive and efficient allow them experience the traditional schooling but then spent time with them as well for the home school experience, this i know can be tasking but it is needful. Thanks for your time, i really do appreciate, @emylight


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Wow,. I love the reason you stated that homeschooling a child has high quality of learning than traditional schooling. You are very right. I support you. Thanks for sharing

you are always welcome, thanks