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RE: Home Education rates increase as parents find benefits to home schooling

I think you need to teach the curriculum that the department of Ed recommends and it must be still OK as 20% is a decent spike of people choosing to continue home schooling.

In SA we cover the 8 curriculum areas for homeschooling and someone comes out each year to assess how you're going. As long as they are covered, it doesn't really matter how you approach it and some areas, like language, only need to be briefly touched on. Having said that, when they were still in school and struggling on certain work I would find other ways to explain it to them at home that were a little more enjoyable. Once they understand it, it becomes less daunting. Although there were still those teachers who insisted on things being done in a way that made the process tedious, no matter how well they understood the subject.

I feel that even when you don't go out of your way to cover the curriculum areas, you generally do anyway, because they are the basis of our everyday lives. Reading, writing, sums, measurements, history, culture, fitness, health, cooking, identifying things, appreciation of arts, technology... English, Maths, Science, Art, Language, Social Studies, Health and PE, Information Technology.


I didn't know any of that and I'm not too sure. However, I will find out soon enough. Next year is prep and I've already had a call from education department to find out what I'm doing as all the primary schools in my area are at capacity.

Oh, wow! Is that due to having to limit numbers for distancing or population overload? What age does official schooling start for Victoria? I think it's 6 here.