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RE: [Eng/ Esp ] Let's form orderly children / Formemos niños ordenados

in Home Edders7 months ago

I congratulate you for your good example, that is the key to any teaching and order is something that is in plain sight, so it is impossible to tell our children to be tidy when what they see is not exactly order. Very good tips and how nice that you were able to make this teaching something fun and at the same time fun to share, that is one of the best ways to instill values in our children. I am working on it, and I like that my child is also learning to keep his toys in a basket that we set aside for it, so when he wants to play he already knows where to go, of course at the end of the day I remind him what to do, sometimes we end up keeping his dad or me, but he has already begun to recognize the importance of order. Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience and may the blessings continue for you and your girls.