Teaching Children Food Management at Home As Part of Homeschooling.

in Home Edders2 months ago

Hey, there!


In this era, Parents don't teach their children home management and food management. A lot of grown-up children have become unskilled in home management. Parents only concentrate on the education part not knowing food management is mandatory at home for a girl child. Many female children are suffering because of a lack of adequate homeschooling about food management.

Some with their husbands, do not know how to prepare sumptuous meals for their spouses but they are intelligent when it comes to education. And I'm proud of those who were able to submit themselves to their parents to teach them practical life skills alongside their academic education.

Children nowadays are yearning for the classic stuff, like food to be cooked without stress.


As parents, instilling this knowledge of food management would help our children with different nutrition and food groups. My boss once told me that mathematics is found everywhere. Most especially in the kitchen, where food is being cooked. The measurement of water, salt, maggi, and other ingredients to give the taste of the food is outstanding in mathematics. I was like wow. It was so profound. Integrating this curriculum at home would make our children to be valued in our society.

Engaging our children in hands-on activities like having a menu for the family. Making plans and lists of food items would help the children to be calculative.

Furthermore, incorporating food management would help the children to have healthy habits of eating. Parents should also teach them to balance diets and choices of going for nutritious food.

Overall, teaching is part of homeschooling, building our children to become future mothers who can take good care of their families with delicious food.


Parents, please don't overlook this food management to school management. Instilling this knowledge in them will boost their self-confidence as they move toward life to become good mothers to their husbands and children. Having a good knowledge of food management would make them have a healthy lifestyle.

Thank you for reading through my blog.

I love, I care, and I forgive

I remain @peckypeace.


Wow this is so amazing. Weldone dear