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RE: February Homeschool Miscellany

in Home Edders2 years ago

We've been fine for a while, the waiting til after the weekend is purely for everyone else's benefit (and partly because I don't feel/notice/ignore some things). Kids wanted to go back to gym, told them they had to wait til next week. We're not sure if youngest was affected (he coughed a little bit on occasion but didn't report other symptoms like the older two, and J wasn't affected either, he did have a headache which he asprined and may have been as much to do with staring at a screen all day as anything else).

They don't read either of the blogs as far as I'm aware. If she goes the TAFE route it's a traineeship so she'll be doing coursework plus practical in the field kinda stuff...assuming she actually can/is "allowed" to because vaccine mandates. So either way she should be able to get a job, she just thinks she has a better chance of more desirable jobs (whatever that may mean for her at the time) with the more prestigious looking qualification.

Whether a given degree helps or not would depend on what it is and what you're using it for I guess? You clearly needed yours and J definitely needed his. I didn't end up needing mine for any of the (related) jobs I did, but a couple of friends who got the same degree found that theirs did help landing jobs.

I don't think either of the bigs are going to have too much trouble in the industries they're looking at, it seems like both were struggling to get people in or staying in even before the stupid mandates made everything worse.


Ahhhh, that's a good point I hadn't thought of... any industry that really needs people isn't going to worry about the prestige of the degree and any industry that has lots of people interested will look at the prestige as a way to help make decisions.

I hope in IT interviews go more from "which uni/degree" to "show us what you've built" but I guess we'll seeeeeeee.

I feel like IT might be one of those things where "what have you done before" might be slightly more useful than "what uni/degree" XD