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RE: Education Debate Challenge 4 Entry

in Home Edders3 years ago

When I was at uni I read a report that identified modern education being a flawed social experiment

Oh wow that's interesting that it came up at uni, when I read the mini-rant I was thinking ahhh he's found the reading material that riles up most of the home edders and/or makes them choose/confirm their route XD

you probably did find the reading material seeing as you said you looked into it more and found out a lot

But the negatives is social interaction and meeting new friends.

Right now it might be. Just wait til you can get out more and the small one starts getting interested in things that you can find classes for. Then she'll have a better social life than you XD

You shouldn't be homeschooling in isolation anyway, that way leads to insanity. As mini said above (or below depending on how you've got your comments ordered), find a group or three or four or even even even more :D

try not to get too carried away, downtime is also important XD


Haha yup! I did have a think about the isolation part. I was about to write a post about it and the importance of sport.

We've moved next to a soccer club and little miss 3 wants to play, I took her yesterday for a game. I'll post about it later tonight.


There has already been too much ENGAGE today.