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RE: May June July August Homeschool Miscellany

in Home Edders9 months ago

Haha nice XD That design must have really gotten around :D

Do you do steamboats? I always associate them with steamboats as that's when our set was most used when I was growing up. My mum gave me part of that set when I moved out of home and there's now only a couple of plates and one little bowl left as the rest broke over time.


I only have one piece 😁😅.
And I dont know what steamboats are. I googled it lol and I found nothing. 😁

Sorry it's also called hotpot, this is similar to the ones my parents and I have:

We have it more regularly when visiting my parents than we do at home because it's a tonne of work to set up and neither of us like doing it enough to enjoy the results (even though we really do enjoy the results, steamboat is one of my favourite things ^_^;).