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RE: Devices, Lies, and Taking Advantage of Every Learning Opportunity

in Home Edders4 years ago

@minismallholding - I read through your comment last night (my time), but I was not ready to respond. I wanted to make sure I took the time to think through what I would say.

First, my heart hurts for you and your daughter. It is hard to watch our kiddos go through any struggle (especially one that greatly impacts his or her life). I know that you want your daughter to be confident and comfortable in her own skin.

Second, although I believe that parents should be great influencers in the lives of their children, I fully admit that we are not the only influences. There are other factors in play (physical, emotional, mental, external, internal) that impact our kiddos present and future. And although we want to fully control those factors, we can't. Not being in control might not feel like encouragement, but I believe it might address how you "often think back and wonder where we might have gone wrong." Maybe you didn't do anything wrong? Perhaps something happened that was out of your control.

I appreciate your honesty and openness. Thanks for stopping by. It has been a joy to get to know you through the @homeedders community.