in Home Edders3 years ago

My unschooling boy is 5,5 years old now, and it's the age of exploration and endless questions "why, when, for what and how". I'm happy he is curious and interested in many different things, so I try to explain anything he asks about. But the best way to explain something is not just telling but showing as well.

He is too little for real history lessons for sure, but he sees some PC games about wars, he sees weapons there, he has some toy weapons, and he likes to play games where he is fighting against the enemy. It's rather typical for a boy.

I can't say I like these games, but I am against total forbidding of war and weapon topics for kids, forbidding is not the way out, he just must understand clearly it is NOT just a game.

And that was one of the reasons why we decided to go to the local museum of the war. It's honored to the WW II, and it includes many things connected with it, real ones, not just artificial copies.

What did we see there?

Huge pictures of the war
They were very realistic, and they touched my heart deeply.





It was a real surprise for my son that it is a way people were listening to music in the past


A typing machine (not a PC with a keyboard) for also his surprise.
Where is the screen - he asked;)
Things from the pastr century arose so many new questions for him


These toys that saw the war filled my eyes with tears..



USSR awards for veterans of the WW II

My grandad also has many awards from the war.

I explained to my son everything we saw and tried to do it in the way he could get it.
And we both liked our visit to the museum very much. He was so full of emotions that he asked to go there again and again. The next day he led his Dad there, and this time he was his guide, not me, and I heard what he was telling - he remembered everything I had been telling him the day before;)


Отличная идея своджить сына в музей. Подсмотрел для себя, попробую найти время тоже повести своего сына в музей. Спасибо за идею.

ему точно понравится) главное, по возрасту подобрать тематику понятную

Спасибо, тоже важен момент. Придумал повезти сына в Днепр в Динопарк. Заодно навестить всех друзей.

Леша, спасибо за идею! Мой тоже очень любит динозавров, а я даже как-то и не думала в этом направлении. Погуглила, оказывается и в крыму их целых 3 и на материке в паре часов от нас, ему точно понравится. Ты - голова)

Прямо расцвел, после таких слов!!! Спасибо.



Thank you !!!

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Знаю только один "вредный" музей - Ельцин-центр.
Но не будем о совсем грустном)

музей ельцина? и такое есть? очень удивлена.. по-моему, его, мягко говоря, не очень жалуют, чтоб прям музеи возводить

это больше чем музей, там историю искажают.
наберите в поисковик "Ельцин-центр"
Екатеринбург постепенно превращают в осиное гнездо, или хотят превратить

оо, а где ж ее не искажают покажите)
наша история официальная вообще сказка на сказке, нестыковок и лапши просто тонны.

там не просто искажают...
часть информационной войны


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Museums are awesome XD

Even the military ones which usually have sections that mess with my head x_x

Though with the young'un when you're going to the military ones make sure you've cased them first :D I remember a couple of museums I went to had some military displays and they pulled no punches, very much parental guidance recommended for younger viewers.

And the best thing about them is their repeatability. If they're big you can go to a different section, if they're small (I don't know how big this one was?) you can go back in a few years and he'll have a bunch of different questions, and then go back again when he's a teenager and he'll have different questions again, or perhaps he'll have a few things to tell you :)


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I love museums for education. It really immerses you in a way that is hard to do with theory, normally. I've always felt a sense of sadness and even a little unnerved with war museums. It's certainly not an easy topic.

yes. It was hard for me because I understood what all these thinhs saw. But it was just a place of interest for the son, and it was really a new powerful wave of emotions and expressions for him.


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