in Home Edders10 months ago

My son visited his art lesson yesterday. It was his 3rd private lesson with an experienced painter. As a rule she has a group of 4-5 kids, but yesterday Vlad was alone, and he was lucky to have his individual lesson;)

The theme of his painting was still life.
I wasn't present at the lesson because it's a closed class, and parents are outside. Of course, I had some communication and have a rather good opinion about this teacher, but I have no chance to see by my own eyes how she behaves with kids.

Of course, I stayed nearby for the 1st time and tried to listen through the door:)) but it didn't work well:(

So I decided to create a game where I can see this teacher's behaviour closer - I proposed my son to be my painting teacher today.

I had to repeat his picture he had made with the teacher yesterday. I took brushes, a sheet of paper, I was his pupil today, and he was my teacher. And of course, being an art teacher, he behaved totally like his art teacher because it was his example.

He played his role very well and even made me some negative remarks when I wasn't attentive;))

I saw he copied her behaviour and even her words! because I know hoe he can speak - it was NOT his speech, he repeated phrases after her! That's what I needed!;)

I listened to all he said and sometimes asked:

  • Did your teacher say so testerday?

And he proved it.

We both liked this game because I really got some new info about painting:))
and the main - I could see how this teacher behaves when parents are out.
It's VERY important for me - who spends time with my son, and who influences his inner world.

For now I didn't see anything that worries me. She seems to be a nice woman. But my mother's heart is always ON;)

Look what my son made yesterday with a painting teacher

and that's what I painted today when he was my teacher;)

actually he said I was a bad pupil, and I needed to study more;))

Ok...my teacher;))


Здорово! Мне очень понравилась твоя тактика общения с сыном! Это довольно действенно. Но я вряд ли смогу без учителя нарисовать также. Всё же нужно всегда учиться любому делу - это факт! Молодчина что водишь его на подобные занятия!
Успехов ему и тебе в творчестве!

если что-то заинтересовало - надо пробовать и углубляться, возможно, это действительно твое. у него такой возраст, что многое интересно, поэтому стараюсь дать шанс все пробовать и искать свое.
а вот эта штука про быть учителем вместо ученика работает очень круто, даже просто для запоминания и усвоения чего-либо. Я помню себя в детстве, что именно так я лучше всего запоминала новый материал - просто представляла, что я - учитель, передо мной ученики, и я им это объясняла как бы) а за одно и сама лучше понимала и запоминала))

Спасибо вам за добрые слова!

а вы рисуете и картины посложнее, на мой взгляд. Натюрморты, наверное, не самое сложное, раз ему его дали всего на 3 уроке)

Но разница в том, то я нигде не училась, а просто смотрела время от времени разные видео.
К тому же нет даже гарантии что те люди, которые показывали как они рисуют вообще художники, может просто какие-нибудь любители или как я вообще самоучки. А твой сын занимается у дипломированных специалистов. Они плохому точно не научат!

My daughter's ballet class is also a closed class, I guess I could try this too so that I'll find out how her teachers behave when no parents are around.

Your son is a great student and an even greater teacher. And this technique you just did is also like a way for him to directly and indirectly narrate back everything he heard and learned from his arts class.

I hate closed classes.... If I don't know a teacher well outside them, how can I trust an unfamiliar person? First impressions can be so wrong. So yeah, this "game" can really open much truth;) And of course mother's heart will always feel and see if anything is wrong with her kid.

Baller class - wow! how long do you attend it? it's as so complicated art!

Ahahaha... You two are so cute. I just love how you bonded with your son. I must say you are smart in catching his teacher's behaviour. 😁 Nice strategy.

thank you;)) when Mom needs to know anything - she is always very creative:))

Wow! Such wonderful work. 💗💗
And great idea with this role play.

And yes, compared with Vlad's work, you need to work harder 🤣🤣

I need to take some more classes yeah?:) Ok! But only if Vlad is my teacher, his lessons are free at least;)) the painter takes 10$ for every class;))

Yup! Sounds like a fair price actually, at least for Romania.

Does Caleb go anywhere when he is without you? What would you do to check what happens behind the closed door? Or Mom needs just feel if a teacher is Ok or not?

I dont know how to answer this. Its a mix of many facts, feelings and observations.
Usually, wherever I brought him (for example chess or math), I stayed for a few times in the beginning to observe teacher's way of being and how she acts with children. Also I am paying attention to evert detail on the way.

Congratulations your publication has been chosen among the best of the day.



Sin duda un buen maestro tu hijo, me encanto los resultados de los dibujos. Un abrazo 😘 sigue apoyando este talento.

pls english only;(

This is an admirable artistic work. Congratulations

He is indeed a great teacher, WOW, this was amazing l guess, love this, please give him the necessary help so he may gain mastery in painting, l trust that he will make you proud. Thanks for sharing