in Home Edders11 months ago

Now our unschooling life with my son touches nature and plants. We watch educational videos every day and make abstracts and drawings.
Yeasterday we went to our garden and fixed new knowledge there analysing what types of plants we had there.

But the most important part of our investigations are GROWING of our own plant from a seed!💚

Early I told you about my passion to healthy food and microgreen power. I often grew it when my son was smaller, so he didn't pay enough attention to it. Now I buy it in the healthy markets, so it;s already grown, we don't need to do anything, just to eat it;)

But when we need to see the process itself, microgreenery is the best. It grows fast and it's very interesting to look at changes every day.

I didn't buy special seeds this time. I just have raw seeds of sunflower (I bought it for food), and I decided to try to get sprouts from them.

And yeahhh! I got them!

I explained my son that we need just water and light to get the first sprouts, and he was very inspiring to start.

We took a box, put a napkin there, made it wet and put some sunflower seeds there.
One layer. Not more.

I wasn't sure how many of them would give sprouts because it's not seeds for sprouting, but the quality was rather nice, and almost all of them were alive!

So in 2-3 days we got this...

My son came to them every day to make them wet, to give them water and to let them catch some sunlight;)
It was his first experience so he was careful and attentive;)

In 4-5 days spouts were thicker and longer...

Vlad was in love with them! he was jumping and couldn't believe his eyes that it was so simple to let them be alive;)

In 7-8 days they were standing proud and high;)

Microgreen is ready to be eaten when it's 7-8 cm high, so they were ready already, but we let them grow some more...

Today more seeds are sprouted (much more than in the beginning), so they needed just more time to be awoken

Some of them even have more than 2 leaves;)

Of course, we will try to eat it, they are super tasty! so juicy and have taste of real sunflower seeds;)
a real natural miracle;)💚💚💚

Now we've an idea to leave some sprouts and plant them in our garden.
I hope we can get real sunflowers, and my son would be so happy of it!
We'll try...;)


I think that hands on learning activities like this one are the best. Both seeing and getting involved in the process are super important.

What a nice activity! There's a book you can read aloud to him titled Seed Babies by Margaret Warner Morley. That will keep him very much inrerested both with reading as well as nature studies. :)

oh thank you so much, I'll try to find it!💚

Какая ты молодец! А я узнала что можно всё проращивать в домашних условиях уже лет в 12 не раньше :-) Отличные всходы взошли.

вы знаете, я узнала об этом даже позже) вот когда начала углубляться в здоровое питание, вот оттуда я почерпнула куда больше, чем из школьных курсов биологии, химии и анатомии)

да, взошли классно, почти все! удивилась даже, ведь семки обычные, пищевые) но даже и хорошо, а то жеж сейчас тенденция цены на все экологичное и здоровое увеличивать раза в 3 только за эти самые надписи про здоровье, био, эко, веган и тд😄