Hive Daily Mix - Hive - 2024-07-25

The first AI powered recap of the best hive posts on PeakD and Hive, brought to you by the @peakd team :)

July 25

🥇VIBES WEEK 16 WINNERS //🎵WEEK 17 will run from (July 24 - August 2) - by @lordbutterfly
Announcement of winners for VIBES Week 16 music competition. Winners rewarded in HBD. Week 17 competition dates and winners announced.

Paid Opportunity to Audit the new Peak Vault and MetaMask software - by @peakd
The post discusses a paid opportunity for auditing the new Peak Vault and MetaMask software using a decentralized approach, highlighting the importance of audits, the scope of the audit, and the qualifications required for participants. It also outlines the payment structure and invites support for the proposal.

Part 2 - Play games, improve typing, promote Hive & get paid at the same time! 第二篇: 玩遊戲,打字,推銷Hive, 賺錢一起來 - by @magicmonk
Original language: English, Chinese
The post discusses rewarding Nitrotype players with HIVE for joining the HIVECN team, providing updates on rewards given, current standings, and encouraging more participation.

Live Chat on Inleo: Updates Coming for Threadcasts - by @khaleelkazi
Updates and improvements are coming for Threadcasts on InLeo, including new features like reactions, pinned threads, and LeoAI integration.

The Italy List: July 2024 - by @steevc
A compilation of Hivers in Italy, categorized by location and activity level, with a call to action for national communities to create similar lists.

Initiative: My Reasons to Love HIVE (Eng-Spa) - by @pannavi
Original language: English, Spanish
A heartfelt post expressing gratitude and love for the HIVE community and platform, highlighting personal experiences and connections made.

2024-07-22 - Distriator - Updates on new on-chain user management - by @sagarkothari88
Updates on new on-chain user management for the Distriator project and template management for Hive Inbox mobile app

Splinterlands DHF Proposal Supported by Hive Community! + My New Strategy About SPS, DEC and Cards! (ENG/ITA) - by @libertycrypto27
Original language: ENG, ITA
The post discusses the Splinterlands DHF Proposal supported by the Hive community and the author's new strategy regarding SPS, DEC, and cards.

What we do here. - by @brofund
Overview of the BRO token Community and its various projects and tokens, including BRO, LGN, GIFU, CineTV, and DBOND/DABS/RUG.

Make Crypto... I mean America Great Again... HaHaHa - by @theringmaster
Analyzing Donald Trump's potential impact on cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies in America, and the implications for the crypto market if he wins a second term as president.

And there I was, thinking i could avoid politics - by @pharesim
The author expresses frustration with politics and voting deals on Hive, highlighting their dedication to the platform despite recent challenges.

Hive was an unexpected love / Hive fue un amor inesperado - by @mamaemigrante
Original language: English, Spanish
The post reflects on how the author's experience with Hive unexpectedly became a source of creativity and community amidst personal challenges.

Cuanto se Gasta en el Dia del Amigo ? - by @opyavi
Original language: Spanish, English
The post discusses the author's experience celebrating Friend's Day with friends, including the planning, food, and activities involved.

Actifit Curation Report 169📖💪🏃🏅 - by @actifit.curate
The post provides a curation report from Actifit, showcasing selected reports and offering rewards for high-quality content. It also includes tips for writing a good Actifit report.

INLEO AMA | LeoShorts on 3speak, New Leaderboard and Referral System - by @khaleelkazi
Announcement of new features on InLeo platform including LeoShorts on 3speak, New Leaderboard, and Referral System

Reigniting the Holozing Spirit: My NFT Journey - by @curamax
The post discusses the author's experience with earning NFTs through the Holozing event, reigniting their enthusiasm for the game and inspiring them to contribute artwork to the community.

[ESP-ENG] Mi excursión al turquino: Día 3 - by @lia.bvzz
Original language: Spanish, English
A recount of the author's 3-day journey climbing Pico Turquino in Cuba, highlighting the challenges and rewards of the ascent.

2024-07-23 - Distriator - Bug Fixed - Business reviews not getting displayed - by @sagarkothari88
Bug fix on Distriator project where business reviews were not showing up, and improvements needed for image uploads.

Mi Experiencia de Cómo me Enamore de Hive - by @cetb2008
Original language: Spanish, English
A user shares their experience of falling in love with the Hive blockchain, highlighting the community, learning opportunities, ecosystem, and freedom of expression it offers.

5 Kilómetros full trote sin problemas en mi tobillo / 5 Kilometers full jog without problems in my ankle - by @siriromo
Original language: English, Spanish
The post shares the author's achievement of running 5 kilometers without any issues in their ankle, highlighting the mental battle overcome and the satisfaction gained from the successful run.