SUCCESS! We Did It!!

in #hive • 3 years ago

Our First "4:20 Get High with Hive" was awesome.

First of all, I have no idea what I am doing, and you can too. I put out a hive post that got like, 1 vote 😂 and a bunch of tweets that got like, a bunch of retweets and likes, and then just did my thang daytrading Futures and Forex. (Got rekt in Yields but cleaned up in GBP, EUR, and Dollar Trades.) Took a nap and fired up the twitter for some Spaces talk.

Couple of German Fellas popped in to smoke up and laugh. A few others stopped by to say hi. We all just shot the shizzle about this and that. Berlin, Frankfurt, and where to find the ganja in Germany. It's still not legal there which i did not know. It's about 10 euro a gram, or $14 us bucks a gram. What is that? $45 or $50 an 1/8th? Something like that. They used a bunch of funny German terms to describe hip hop and urban situations. One guy was in real estate and the other was a rapper. They asked me about my daytrading and living in Los Angeles. Lots of homeless and sunshine. One guy was fascinated with Skid Row.
That place is a warzone of mental illness. Not so much physical violence, just a place that is real, and really crazy. Both the fellas were funny as all get out and it was a good hour that flew by fast.

I'm already looking forward to tomorrow. Hope you can stop by.

4:20 New York Time. 1:20 West Coast Time. About 20 minutes after the markets close. Just a chance to unwind and talk about whatever. Have a drink or a smoke tell a joke or talk about your day. I told the guys about HIVE and the Social Ecosystem and hope some yall can stop as well.

I 'll be doing it each day this week. And try to keep it going next week too. I always liked the #hivechat hostings by other Hive Enthusiasts on Twitter. And I think those were typically on Tuesday. So we'll see what happens tomorrow. I like the Twitter more than Discord because Discord is just a little less public. That is also the blessing of Discords, you have some focussed privacy with the communities like LeoFinance and Gems. But on Twitter it is easier for other people to stumble by and see what we are all about. I am seeing lots of different types of tribes on Twitter, crypto itself has it's own different subgroups too. But then there are lots of SJW's for both sides of the isle. There are movie and music enthusiasts. And I think HIVE is a place where all these people can gain something from. We'll see.

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please please please like and share so others who are looking for this sort of thing can find it.

Whatever you do, have the best day and keep hiving on!


You will get momentum if you keep doing this. Very nice.

Thank You! And thanks for stopping by today 😃

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