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RE: How Many Of My Upvoters Are Actively Using Hive? (Addressing Downvote Cancel Culture on Hive)

in #hive3 years ago

You see, my POV is that material from folk like Urasoul and Jasonliberty represent well-researched articles on serious issues. They seem open to 'fact-checking' in its original sense of verification and validation of reported data/info. There are shit-stirrers of course but some of the folk being systematically d/voted on Hive are reporting stuff they have researched and processed, and are writing (in part at least) so that the awareness of what is going on is made available to others.

I believe you to be a sincere person with a sense of personal integrity - an impression formed from reading your stuff/observing your engagement over time. I understand that your position on the p(L)andemic may approximate somewhat to the one below (quoting myself):
Humanity faces an existential threat like never before! We must all adhere to officially proclaimed, expert-led guidelines in order to survive. Those that do not, or refuse to comply, potentially threaten everyone's survival by their non-compliance. Information which challenges or purports to dispute official claims/the 'accepted' view is mis/dis-information. This information is dangerous, in part at least because folk could be lulled into a false sense of security and underestimate the danger posed by the existential threat. The Science is pretty much settled on this and in any case, we are in a Global Emergency requiring unprecedented action, even if that means curtailing what were once held up as unassailable Human Rights. We need to pull through this together and this will only really happen if we all act in the unison of conformity to officially agreed and advised action. Any notion of a 'conspiracy' behind the global pandemic is as outrageous as it is ridiculous!

I tend to the other side of the above- detailed in the link above coz I don't wanna copy-pasta too much, but if you read it you'll see.