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RE: Is Hive For Everyone?

in #hive2 years ago

hive has a long way to go before it is ready for everybody. but thats ok. the tenacious bloggers keep blogging, the gamers keep gaming and the devs keep building. perhaps when we have our own version of amazon we will start getting shoppers, or our own version of tiktok we will get more quick fix entertainers, who knows? but it is a long game to play and theres no point expecting anyone else to like it as much as we do, until the day that it becomes undeniable!


Agree with you, but just wanted to jump in here in case you didn't know: Hive does already have it's own Amazon. Check it out. Long term plan is to become a vendor myself

It's got better over the years. I think it is essential to have good mobile apps and there is progress on that.