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RE: Is it ok to post a (YouTube) song on Hive? (my song posts got downvoted recently, my thoughts and change going forward)

in #hive2 years ago

True. On the other hand, in the area outside the Hive, third part also get some reward: more clicks, more likes or more subscribers on, in this case, YT.
Now, let.s take food photos as an example: I went to a restaurant, made photo of a very nice food/drink and posted it; this food is not my original content,restaurant made it and did not get any reward, while I got many upovotes; is that ok? Based on what I have seen many times, it is, no complaints about originality. Chances of someone visit given restaurant (sometimes not even mentioned which) for ppl from Hive is not very high, not to say almost none, so no reward for the skillful cook; chances some will visit band song or/and site are much higher.
Think we should not look things black/white, reality is more complicated :/