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RE: Is it ok to post a (YouTube) song on Hive? (my song posts got downvoted recently, my thoughts and change going forward)

in #hive2 years ago

I see it as getting a reward for introducing to people something that some of them did not know, has potential of bringing value to someone.s life.
Also "ppl, look what song/band I have found and want to share it with you" is, similar as "ppl look what I have had for lunch today /in the X restaurant", just better. I can listen to the song, if I like i,t again and again, and maybe some other of the given band, but cannot eat what is in the photo. ;)
So, you have my support to continue posting songs...and if you want to post food, do it like before, with recipe...which I most probably will not use, but might force you to make it for me when come to be your guest :P :)


Thx for the feedback and support, like the analogy with food posts, just better, the value lies in introducing to other ppl a song/band, and as long as youtube / the content creator / band allows embeds it should be ok in my opinion to embed the song on other websites. win-win, but it could be problematic if the rewards get big, but then again the rewards are more meant for the user, not necessarily because of the content one posts. It also depends what does the user do for the community, the bigger picture, is one just posting youtube videos or is somebody contributing to the community, had invested a lot of money, energy and time into the platform, promoting hive on various events, meetups, giving talks, presenting hive on their website, on twitter, etc.

Agree, you do all that: but first- who knows that, second- who cares? 10 people with bad content who upvote each other is better than one w good content. Quantity over quality and effort. Welcome to democracy. Appreciation you may expect in personal life but in a place driven by profit...