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RE: Hive Is Invisible, Just Like Me

in #hive3 years ago (edited)

I had to jump through to get posting on here. From cumbersome private/public 'keys', to needing multiple accounts, platforms, and 'dapps' just to get things going, plus even more weird sign-in stuff from hive-signer & hive keychain messing with me Last Pass.

if you only been here few years ago :D made an easy sign in using twitter accounts, you don't need to download keys until you want to.

The thing is, Hive is complicated for first few steps, that a lot will not do. But if you compare it with other crypto, it is really easy.


lol, yes, I bet it was quite an experience here a few years ago. Good for you for navigating through it!

Ah, that is very smart, I'll have to check out.

Yes, the first few steps are a major barrier to entry in my opinion, even if it's easy relative to other cryptos. Guess we'll see how things go in the future, thanks so much for the comment! :)

yes there are 3 things that somehow need to be explained for people that know nothing about crypto. ok maybe 4. as the first one is why do you need all this keys. it is money and you don't want your money to be unprotected.

  1. posting key you use when you comment and vote, if you lose it, no one can take your money.
  2. active key you use to move your money.
  3. install keychain to use all the apps easier.

later learn everything else.

Yes! Those 4 things would've made my initiation soooo much easier.

Perhaps I'll make some beginner tutorials, for other beginners like me. We'll see :)