A Day With Sick Children

in #hive3 years ago

I had to change my day off today because my two children were sick. We were worried about the oldest one so we got her a Covid test. Negative which meant my wife being an emergency worker in a hospital had to go back to work. I had to change my day off to look after the two kids. Now I don't mind staying at home with the kids but I always have to be doing something with them like taking them for a walk, going to the park, bringing them for coffee, going to adventure world. Just going somewhere. I just hate staying in the house. The little lad is only 1 so I just carry him around everywhere and he's happy out so it's all about wearing the 5 year old out so she's wrecked is my main aim for the day. But today I was under strict instructions from her good self not to go outside with them because it was freezing and both had bad colds. So I was stranded. And this coincided with the 5 year olds Ipad sabbatical. For some reason she isn't bothered with cartoons any more. She's too busy playing shop but she always needs a customer or a shop assistant to play it with. After 800 shopping trips , I suggested that we play something else , all this while I was keeping the little lad from destroying the little shop itself. Boys are destructive. Can I break it? Yes. ThenI will break it.
TIME FOR CALPOL I SAID to get me away from shop. I was afraid to come back into the room as I know she was setting up an ice cream parlour and what would I want on my ice cream was the question that was going to be posed to me 950 times over the next two hours. It was 10am at this stage and it already felt like 2 weeks. Little man started sucking his thumb which is the sign he wants a nap. So I whisked him upstairs and done. He was gone down.
To get away from the next version of shop I decided that I had to hoover the whole house and that she should play with her Lego for a while. That was met with a frown but off she popped into the playroom and closed the door with the sound of the vacuum cleaner. This was a half an hour of sheer bliss. The chores that i hated doing when I had no children have now become nice breaks when I have 2 kids . Walking the dog used to be a chore. Now it's something I look forward to so I can get away from the madness. The father in law called and took the dog while I looked out the window watching them leave. Little man woke up at 12 so went up and got him which led onto lunch time. Calpol for him now as it was 4 hours since he last had it.

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Calpol is a strange thing . Whatever company own it must be a Fortune 500 firm as any doctors instructions always include giving them Calpol. It's like Lucozade and 7UP, it cures everything. The under 6 version is gorgeous stuff and I have been known to take a few swigs myself. But get to over 6 and the flavour changes to orange and its not that great. I might stop buying it when they turn 6 and see how their temperatures play out. Anyway the little lad is an independent free spirit that hates being forced to do anything. The pipette I normally use doesn't work as he closes his mouth and its impossible to unclamp him when he is so determined. So I leave the sticky Calpol on a spoon and he normally picks it up and shoves it in his gob. But this time he just picked up the spoon and just smudged it all over his face. The 5 year old was laughing. He knew he had rebelled and smiled which was rather funny. The jokes on you shithead when you have a temp of 39.9 degrees burning up. A picture of my wife with her arms folded came into my head so I had to wrestle him like a bear to get the Calpol into him. We both ended up covered in Calpol, the most stickiest substance known to man. If only I was on that walk up the mountain with the dog. My son was not happy with being made take a beautiful sweet substance so he made a number 2 out of spite. I countered that jibe with a bath for the both of them. He was not going to win today. He had one more card in his hand however but I was ready for it. The nappy change after the bath. This guy is full of mischief. I got there just in time with the nappy. I know he was going to do it. The little one is clever. This guy lets on he is not. Kind of like Columbo.

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"Just one more thing" and then a wee in the eye. Anyway I was waiting for his revenge and I palmed his wee away like Peter Schmeical of old. From all the planning and organising the thumb went back in his mouth and he was asleep again in no time. Just as I was going out the door , my daughter floated by like a poltergeist. Her head spinning 360 degrees. Would you like to play shop. I knew I didn't have it in me to have another 3 hours of shop so I decided I had to pull out all the stops.
"I will give you a bag of Haribos if you watch the Ipad for an hour"

This minding sick children is easy I said!