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RE: Hive Exchange Listings and Communication/PR Proposal

in #hive4 years ago

Firstly, thank you so much for the enormous contributions you have made to the community!

Do you think it would help if a project for the kind of work you are doing is created on Gitlab (alongside the dev projects there)? It seems that the devs organized things pretty well - the community can see the work on the various projects set up on Gitlab, there are even bi-weekly meetings going on so interested community members can follow them. It creates huge transparency. And people can follow that work and vote on proposals based on what they see.

Other types of work, like what you are doing, are also needed for this community and blockchain to flourish. So perhaps what you are doing can similarly be set up as a project on Gitlab so transparency and better participation from the community can happen. What do you think? It would provide proof of the work done by you.