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RE: ??

in #hivelast year

Nicht weg, nur unsichtbar ;)

parent_author ""
parent_permlink hive
author quantummaa
permlink dear-hive-i-have-to-clean-my-name-
body "I feel there is something that has to be written!
I asked Jean to make me this account, for what I paid 99Euro which I found insane too much. He told me that I am getting some membership stuff, which I never wanted. I got into that because he was telling, me that this is for the Mammasittas network, and I trust Mammasitta. After I asked her, if he knows something about it, she told that she doesn't know anything.
Nice, somehow it was cleared, but I was asked for more money, and then I started investigating. On the same day, his girlfriend was attacking me on my personal phone number on whats up, that because of me Jean cannot sleep since I told him some stuff. I kindly asked her to transfer me my 99 Euro back and I am out of their lives because I need serious people and not some children's running my future business. Then she shouted up, of course, she is here to attack but not to take care of financial stuff for his man.
Next was that I was that Jean transferred 3Hive from this account, asking me on telegram if I am allowing him this, but not waiting for my answer.
Today I saw he is posting with this account.
I want to clear my name here.
This is not my account anymore. I will delete what I can and I am out of this game.
I feel sorry for every confusion which was made with this account and accounts similar to this one. I thought I can trust, but I was wrong.
This is the second time that I am starting with HIVE. Both times I was disappointed. There is always somebody going behind somebodies back. I am done with the Hive Blockchain forever.
Please learn from me and take care of newbies, because this is not the way it should be.
I will share this article on my FB profile with the photo where I am prooving that I wrote that.
All the best and good luck.
Goodby Hivers!
Julia Bakos "
json_metadata "{"app":"peakd/2023.2.2","format":"markdown","description":"Goodby Hive and thanks for all your lessons I learned, and this is disappointment.","tags":["hive","community","cryprobrunch","hiveembassy","hivevienna","deutsch","goodby","thankyou"],"users":[],"image":[]}"


Ja klar, das meinte ich doch :)
Danke für den Link, kannte lediglich noch ein sehr altes Tool um ältere Edits einzusehen..^^

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