Buzzing About the New DBuzz Mobile Experience

in #hive10 months ago


Buzzing About the New DBuzz Mobile Experience

Greetings development enthusiasts!

Earlier this month we finally rolled out a major upgrade to the DBuzz mobile interface after months of design and development. This update has been a long time coming and we're absolutely thrilled to get it into the hands of our users.

Our dev team has been hard at work crafting this improved mobile experience for the DBuzz community. We know how crucial the app is for buzzing on-the-go, so we wanted to really get it right.

The new interface went through extensive internal testing and preview releases before the official public launch. Then, after 2 weeks of further testing we improved it through the feedback provided by the community. This allowed us to catch a few last-minute bugs and fine-tune some key details.

Thanks to the invaluable insights from our users, we were able to smooth out rough edges before the release, and are looking forward to more users exploring and enjoying the upgrades.

Now that it's finally here, let's take a deep dive into the new interface!

When you open the app, you'll see the new version number on the loading screen - reference this if you have any issues.


One of the biggest changes is the simplified bottom menu. We now have just 4 main buttons - Home, Search, Notifications, and a coming soon Chat option. This streamlined navigation makes getting around DBuzz smoother.


The overall interface looks much cleaner and balanced too. If you tap your profile icon, you'll find we've also decluttered the menu. Your portfolio, pockets, wallet link, and settings are neatly organized for easy access. Notably, you can now easily switch between light and dark mode here.

Lite Mode

Dark Mode

Posting is easier than ever with the new ubiquitous "Buzz" button - just tap the plus sign in the bottom right corner from any page to start composing!


Additionally, the settings tab allows you to customize your feed. Enable/disable video and NSFW previews, change API mode if needed, and more.


Another area that got a major facelift is your profile tab. We wanted to really elevate the user profiles and make them shine on mobile.

Now when you tap on your profile icon to access the menu, you'll see we've added some subtle but stylish new design flairs. The background uses gentle rolling curves to create an eye-catching backdrop for your information.

We also adjusted the formatting and spacing of the various profile elements like your name, avatar, badges, etc. Everything has more room to breathe on mobile screens. Sections are clearly separated and details like your follower/following counts are larger and bolder.


The upgrades extend to your Pockets page as well. For the uninitiated, Pockets allow you to save and organize your favorite Buzzes into categorized collections.

If you head over to the Pockets tab from your profile menu, you'll see we've enhanced the mobile interface here too. Now it's easier than ever to scroll through and peruse your various Pockets. You can quickly glean what content lives in each Pocket as you scroll down.

Tap into any Pocket to access the full Buzz collection you've saved there. The formatting improvements make it simple to flip through your organized content. Let us know if you discover any other handy highlights related to Pockets!


And we'd love to hear all of your feedback on the new mobile interface! Please explore the upgraded app and let us know your thoughts.

Enjoy the improvements and keep buzzing!

Questions? Concerns? Comments?

Just comment below.

- The DBuzz

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Fantastic 👏.

We note thT when u try to Buzz from 3SPEAK,
It does not automatically take the link of the post you are buzzing .

Hope for a fix

Yes, we're trying to get it fixed asap @tonybad, both the 3speak team and @dbuzz team have been completing as many tasks as we can.

Posted via D.Buzz

Thank you for sharing @tonybad, that news is very unfortunate.

And I understand that he shared his insight out of concern for the masses.

Posted via D.Buzz

Many people nowadays are scared of the Doctor.


Looks good although the notifications don't really go away on my experience, I had to tap on clear all to keep the pending sign on it.
I'm also excited about the chat feature, just hope it could be as social as the web2 ones. I think the magic of Twitter spaces is that you get to interact with people outside of your circle. It sort of gives what Google circles/hangout tried to do with different type of friends.
A place to just chat and hang out around a topic instead of people you know.