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RE: Rewards Pool

in #hive7 months ago

When I came to hive I thought people would actually read me. Some will read my old content too. People from outside of hive will read me from search engines.

Again and again I come to a conclusion that it will remain a ghost town if we read content on day 1 only for the sake of Curation. Content life should exist way beyond 7 days. Not just some technology talk or hive will moon to 10x but real life blogs too.


The original idea was based on the insight, that most people never read beyond the top 10 headlines on a given day.

Sure, there is content that stays relevant for a long time or will gain traction much later, but this is not a one-tool-for-everything tech. This tech is only good at one thing and the very notion to cater to many different things and formats is what ruined it in the first place.

Top 10 is filled with game or project updates. :(

on that, it kinda depends on the community. if there is a community for your texts people will read it (probably not in 100k but i think we are a bit misled by numbers of supper popular creators. few 1000 is a big number).

abut the search engines, you need to write stuff that will show on search engines. i am for sure not the best blogger, but i do have few blogs high in the search results and they get few views every day.

abandoning rewards is mentioned every few years. and it will not happen in the next X years and maybe never.

Author rewards r too low even for top 1 author of the month. My concerns are different. Maybe we will talk about that another day. Time to sleep