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RE: Fighting corruption in Batumi, Georgia country (Middle Asia) - Part 1

in #hive11 months ago (edited)

Hi there, Alex, thnaks for passing by here and leaving a comment sharing your experience.
I think that was a piece of advice, more if we take into account a Georgian talking truth about their own people (with thing is very rare, because even a Georgian seeing another Georgian killing some people, would tell you that guy is an absolute saint).
Regarding real estate prices, have been up and down during a while, going higher now with war exodus, the same as scams going hig to take advantage of Russian expats.
Even though you have to take plenty of care here because you cannot even trust the lawyers associated to the highest standards of the country, some lucky people purchases their real estate with no issues.
However, most of the tourists who purchase a real estate have some kind of issue or scam, from small scam to really huge scam (as the true events of a Chinese citizen that hired a Georgian translator to translate to him the real estate contract and inscribe it on the property registry and the Georgian transalator put the 5 Chinese properties on his name and the Chinese guys just went back to his country with emty pocket), and the funny thing is that it's so extended and people (those who know it) are so accostumed to this, that it seems noone cares about the big corruption and do nothing about (like this poor Chinese guy).
In my case, the presumed fraud that is going to court is thanks to one of those "high standards" lawyers and a building company that wanted to keep extra $10,000 for a furniture I paid for, not delivering it and pretending to force me to pay anothger $10,000 to furnish it by myself (again), among some other shady contract clauses.
And for sure, yet not the property delivered after 9 months, other owners already living in the same building of mine, they having my money and not returning back, etc..
The only thing I can say, in general, and to you it's, you can be 1,000% sure that these people messed with the wrong European tourist, as if I have to die in here to change things and make justice by myself if Georgian justice do nothing against this clear case and it's as corrupt as the rest of the Batumi.
Of that, you have my word, I won't do like the Chinese guys and if I come back to Spain for a while meanwhile the trial period (long procedure) is taking place, it's just to refill resources and come back stronger and ready to keep on fighting.
On my name and in the name of past and future scammed tourists, this gonna change.


Well, that guy was sick of scams, as he said that his country would be much better than it is, if people started building something.

I was interested to buy something outside of EU:

  • Tangier in Morroko
  • Bar in Montenegro
  • Saranda in Albania
  • Florida in USA

But stopped due to legislation, language barrier, build quality and how foreigners are seen.
As of retirement plan, I'm looking now at Mallorca or Sardegna. This would be my choices for a retirement. Now to rent as Airbnbs, and after to live in them.

I know you are stubborn, also ex military, it brings grit. In the end, try to get them out of Georgia, into international law. It might help.

Fortunately it seems I've found some law firm in the capital of Georgia (Tbilisi) who are also aware and sick of that, as your friend, and are willing to fight for me and against this corruption that speaks so bad on behakf of the whole country, indeed making it much worse than it could be, because Georgia has many good things and it's beautiful but, definitely, corruption at all level it's absolutely disgusting.

Despite never been in the countries you mentioned, Tangier has to be beautiful and about Montenegro and Albania heard is super cheap real estate and life.

About Mallorca, haha, of course, that's a small paradise for all people around the world but my pocket can't afford it, and almosts ame with Sardegna.

Regarding your advice about international law, if I clearly see that the Supreme Court of Tbilisi also fails on making justice, I will try to bring them to Spain or EU.
And since I'm documenting all and gonna make it all public I think's gonna be helpful for making the world aware and prove them clearly wrong on their attitude towards turists.

Have a nice day and thanks for commenting!