OK, I'd better start out by saying I have the mathematical skills of a turnip and any figures I include here are just to set the balls rolling.
Money is the root of all evil, so they say, and Hive really hasn't changed much in the past year or so I've been avoiding it. Without further ado, here are my five suggestions:
- NO DOWNVOTING - just get rid of all downvoting. It sucks.
- A CAP ON EARNINGS - $100 per account every seven days - any more than that goes back into the pool.
- NO AUTOVOTING - yep that would piss a few people off I guess, and be the end of "curation trails" - good job!
Scrolling down my feed, the people I follow generally earn between $0 and $20 per post, but there are accounts I don't follow endlessly posting mediocre boring crap and earning over $50 a pop for it.
Meanwhile there are whales who don't know shit from chewed dates giving huge upvotes to art that has zero originality and is going nowhere. If Pablo Picasso had lived in these times and posted on Hive he probably would have been downvoted FOR PUTTING THE EYES IN THE WRONG PLACES!
I am split on the downvoting, I generally like the idea of it, I just think it is not implemented and used correctly.
The Cap is stupid, because I think it is neat that people can almost earn a living if they live in an inexpensive country. I think there even is some sort of cap where payouts at least get reduced, but I am not sure.
I don't like autovoting either, lost a lot of APR when I was away, but it is like the last fundamental thing I still stand by.
Also dont like the cap for voting the same account. I like voting all the people that show up for the Kneipe and voting comments/conversations in general.
No selfvoting is pretty much already an unwritten rule.
I am not split on downvoting - it screwed Steemit, and it is screwing Hive too. It is a tool for reward pool control and censorship. I'm not just saying that because I'm blacklisted - most of my favourite bloggers have been driven off these platforms, and the tool used every time was downvoting.
The only people earning a living on Hive now are the insiders - but anyone living in an inexpensive country would appreciate US$100 a week I suspect!
Unwritten rules are meaningless - try upvoting yourself on Bastyon - it simply doesn't work, problem solved.
It's also very neat when you live in an expensive country ;) But then, you are a criminal if you don't tax your earnings when you cash out. A lot of peoples went for that reason abroad to a country where living costs are lower. Modern colonialism, haha!
I see your good intentions, but without autovoting many investor-type stakeholders would leave for good (because an investor is not primarily one that wants to spend hours per day manually curating). So even if autovoting sucks, without it Hive would have a massive selling pressure.
Blurtt had no DV, and it didn´t prosper too much. And it would invite all kind of spam.
Earning cap? Sounds good too, but would de-incentivize some of our top authors from producing their mostly qualiy content.
I think there are no easy solutions.
Somehow I start to feel there might be no solutions at all, when it comes to money and socium involved. The least one can do is to start from himself to act nicely... and soon he will be frustrated to see nobody is following 🤪
I wonder if acting nicely is the problem rather than the solution. There are people on this platform who need to stand up for themselves against wankers who need to be told to get fucked...
I wouldn´t be that pessimistic. At least Hive is in market cap #217, above thousands of other projects!
Which ofc is a good thing. Well, uh, yeah...
I became pretty pessimistic with years...
And since I've marked 4 years at this blockchain recently, uhm 😨
Blurt had several issues but lack of downvoting was it's greatest strength, and it was almost spam free simply by emphasising the fee on each comment. It has mainly turned to shit because of some power crazed tosspot insiders ripping it off.
Looking at trending, I'd say most of the "top authors" are all part of insider the voting club, and there is far better content earning bugger all, so it would be no great loss - they are nothing special.
Content-free can easy go with spam-free :)
But already now you see on Hive all kind of spam and account farming, so some form of penalizing needs to be there.
I agree that the earning cap would be the least radical of your suggestions. But would it bring that much? Same with forbidding autovoting. I write typically quite decent content which usually takes several hours work, why should I not be allowed to upvote it?
Anyway, if you want to keep Hive a minimal niche for a few nerds, that your suggestions would pave the way :)
this. ehehe.
Hive currently IS a minimal niche for a few nerds - downvoting all the loose units off it has made it that way - pave the way - LOL
If you see it that way. Sure. But for me a glass is rather half-full, than half-empty.
I think the peaked front end is a work of art, and will probably use it with the rewards declined whatever happens, but honestly, my Fakebook feed smokes most of the content here, the site sucks, but it is filled with angry people who want to start a revolution.
Self voting is helpful for those same things you mentioned. A lot of whales and some curators only upvote those they like and are "friends" with, literally or not. Also this place has become toxic. For example, if a member calls someone out who has a high HP or are part of a community they either ignore or threaten / hurl bad words at that member instead of guide him/her to make better posts they would "appreciate". 😂 No wonder many have left Hive.
...it is especially helpful when your HP is 0,001 or less. Believe me or not -- I see it many times on a daily basis. 😨 What is the reason behind that, at all... its just a bad habit.
Reason behind self upvotes? No other upvoters on the post... That's always the reason for the non-whales/dolphins. At the end of the day we're all here to earn from our posts no matter what other people say. Otherwise no one would even be here initially.
The love of money is the root of all evil. That's how it goes. Totally different when you say it right. Not that you need any help fuckin things up!
I got carried away, again. All I meant to say was you suck compared to Picasso.
I'm hungry now, ima eat some Kiwi's. = }
I like the way you always try to grease my chute in the hope of getting a big upvote!
I hope that wasn't supposed to be funny cuz I didn't laugh out loud one of nasaly laughs that hurts your throat.
That was my best reply so far, I've been up for half an hour but nobody appreciates my wit
accept rewards so i can upvote you 😍
I have to have them declined becuause there are big fat whales down voting everything I post, so I earn zero anyway, but my rep keeps going down, and I'm trying to stay on 69 now
giggity giggity.
at least I can easily and 146% agree with #4 🤓
Im actually thinking of setting a dozen of my old alt accounts to autovote all my posts...wont pay anything but it would emphasise a few of these points
HA HA HA.... uhm. Er..... in such a case, nobody will give a fuck (my humble guess): no money involved - no abuse 🤪 Well, just my guess. You still may do it.... for fun of emphasising. 😏
I hope you dont mind to have some Hive !PIZZA from me?..
Cheers, thanks for that!
I have just directed a dozen votes at this post and made it look like it's totally pumping - If I do that all the time I could pretend I'm really popular, which is always fun
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(2/5) @qwerrie tipped @frot
No dude. You fix disputes with math.
I try not to do that, it makes me go limp and wobbly. I fix disputes with pictures of lambos...
Got any Corvettes?
I actually do have a toy green one, but I'd get one like this if I was imaginary shopping.
Long ago I worked for a guy who had yellow one, but he was a grumpy prick and never took me for a spin. It handled like a pig though and he ended up running off the road. Wasn't too bad a crash, just knocked the wheel alignment out, so he got that fixed and sold it.
All those old cars are awesome until you get behind the wheel.
Do you like the new style? Every time I see one I jizz in my pants uncontrollably.