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RE: I'm Trying to Support Hive but Whales are Downvoting Me

in #hive4 years ago

Yeah!! That's what I also wanted to say. .. Someone gets 40 dollars daily on a generic post with some graphics another just post a pile of shit... And get votes from 'somewhere' it isn't way not isn't by far balanced out. I sometimes spend hours and hours on a posts I spend days on changing old posts... because they are steem posts not hive... do I get 40 dollars on posts? It isn't about that it's the power of some guys has that can change the chain in a drunk or bad day... with great power comes big responsibility... And I see around me that a lot of people need to see the bigger picture. Buttt if people want to play the the knight in armour saying yeah it's not ok let those people downvote other whales misusing their power that way too... And upvote those who are abused by other whales... And downvote those whales who misuse their power... Buttt that is something that never would happen. But maybe I... don't see the bigger picture....